Happy individuals gather around a table outside to enjoy food and drinks

One of the most difficult challenges people face after weight loss surgery is dietary and lifestyle changes in their social lives. Trying to steer away from old eating habits and social pressures with family, coworkers, and friends can make you feel lost or unsupported. However, with the following tips and tricks in your toolbelt, you’ll get closer to finding normalcy in your social life while maintaining healthy choices.

What to Do When Going Out to Eat After Weight Loss Surgery

Whether you are going out with friends or on a date, it can be frustrating navigating dinner plans and your new diet. Here are some tips for dining out after weight loss to make sure you have a great time without worry:

  • Call the restaurant beforehand and see if they will be willing to make accommodations for your dietary needs.
  • Be open with close friends and dates about your diet.
  • Have a backup plan just in case the restaurant cannot make the accommodations you require.

The most important thing is for you to be knowledgeable about your diet. As long as you have a keen understanding of your new dietary needs, you will be able to communicate them to friends and restaurant staff. 

At BMI we always begin with nutrition education and training before and after weight loss surgery to help you avoid common mistakes. If you ever have doubts or concerns about life after your surgery, please reach out to us.

How to Handle Social Events After Weight Loss Surgery

Going out can be challenging after weight loss surgery. Events like weddings, work gatherings, sporting events, and other social events may not provide the nutritious food you need to stay on track with your new diet.

When you plan on going to social events, be sure to bring snacks that will fit your dietary restrictions or eat beforehand to make sure you won’t be tempted by unhealthy buffets or concession stands.

If you are going to a party where people will be drinking alcohol, it’s best to avoid joining in because of the excess calories. Bring your own favorite healthy beverage to enjoy with your friends, instead! 

How to Plan for Travel After Weight Loss Surgery

After you have recovered from weight loss surgery, it’s perfectly natural to experience a sense of wanderlust. However, there are a few things you will need to plan for to stay healthy and comfortable while traveling. Here are some tips:

  1. Pack nutritious snacks. Bring along healthy snacks that fit into your new diet plan so you can avoid unhealthy temptations on your journey.
  2. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is vital when traveling, especially if you’re flying, which can really dry you out.
  3. Plan your meals. Research restaurants and grocery stores that offer what you need to stick to your post-op diet plan.
  4. Move around. Traveling long distances can cause stiffness and blood clots, so make sure you get up and move around as much as possible.
  5. Communicate. Speak with your healthcare team about your plans and ask for advice based on your unique case.
  6. Listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard, and rest when you feel tired.

Traveling after weight loss surgery can be fun. Once you are fully healed and have a solid diet plan in place, planning for new trips and adventures will be a breeze.

Maintaining Healthy Choices After Weight Loss Surgery

At BMI, we work with you to create a post-op diet plan based on your needs. We also provide extensive education about your new diet before and after surgery.

Life after weight loss surgery can be wonderful, especially if you have a plan and plenty of support. If you are ever in a situation where you are unsure about how certain foods or beverages will affect your body, whether you are on a trip or planning a date, the experts at BMI are here to answer your questions.

Healthy and Happy Living After Weight Loss Surgery at BMI

After weight loss surgery, your life will change in significant ways. Social events and going out will provide new challenges, but you don’t have to go it alone. Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery supports you by ensuring you have a strong understanding of your dietary needs and a support network in place.  

If you have specific concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to BMI for personalized support. You can call us anytime at (205) 858-1211.