Featured Story

"I want to thank Dr. Jay Long for saving my life and by that I mean everything. He saved my career as a law enforcement officer, a father and a husband. I would start out by saying that I just wish I would have done this 10 years ago because I have robbed myself of living."

I have always been a big guy but it never really slowed me down until I got hurt on the job apprehending a burglar running from a scene. I suffered a post tibial tendon tear, meniscus tear in one knee and a crushed disc in my lower back. At the time I was over weight to the tone of 310 pounds but as a year and a half went by I gradually got to 420 pounds. I could barely walk, I hurt constantly. Doctors would not perform surgery on me because of my weight and told me I needed to loose 100 plus pounds before they would consider it. One of my doctors pointed me into Dr. Long’s direction and after speaking to him about weight loss surgery and I never looked back. I started around 420 and I am nearly 15 months post op. I now weight 181 pounds. I have not been under 200 pounds since junior high school.

I am healthy and take no medication. I was on high blood pressure pills, and anti inflammatory medication just so that I could walk everyday. It surely was a struggle. My work was trying to medical retire me and with only two years until full retirement. Today I can say that I am probably in better shape then most men in my department and can run circles around most of them. That’s right I run, I work out twice a day. I have went from wearing a 58 in the waist to wearing a 32 in the waist. I am enjoying life and things I could never do with my son and family in general. I sleep better, as a mater of fact, I can’t remember every sleeping through a whole night without getting up at least twice during the night. But now I never wake up until the morning and usually before the alarm clock gets me up. I am energized and there is nothing that I can not do.

I have run 5K’s , Zip Lining, biking, hiking, go kart racing you name it. More over I am pain free from head to toe. The surgeries I thought I needed to fix things have fixed themselves or at least they do not bother me anymore. I have had multiple friends follow suit and have come to Dr. Long for help and now their lives are forever changing for the better. I have people looking to me for advice and health tips, but honestly I myself am still learning but it keeps me in check to help others along my journey. It wasn’t easy but it was so rewarding and it has become a whole new life for me. If I could give anyone a bit of advice it would be this; Don’t put off tomorrow what needs to be done today, I needed help and Dr. Jay Long gave me that help and so much more. He gave me my life back and I am forever grateful to him for that. I would like to further say that his staff is wonderful and they all called on me at one time or the other just to see how I was doing.

Thank you Dr. Jay Long and all of his staff for being there for me when no one else was.”

Drag the arrow back and forth to see the before and after transformation!

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“First let me tell you how great my physician Jay Long is. He is such a very knowledgeable wonderful doctor and so down to earth. He has been my doctor for more than 8 years and to me he’s family. He is so helpful with me regarding my weight loss surgery and p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e. Before I got the Lap band, I was overweight, and I had high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol problems. But once I received my Lab band surgery, my health is so much better. I appreciate everything that Dr. Jay Long does for me and I have to give praise to his fantastic staff. If you are in the market of losing weight, you need to give him a call and it will be worth it…I’m a living witness.”

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“Dr. Long is a true professional and very talented surgeon. He has been nothing but gracious and kind to me and my family. I have had 3 surgeries with Dr. Long and will not hesitate to return to him. His office staff is awesome. Debbie had been gracious and kind handling all my paperwork. Jennifer is always smiling and makes me feel comfortable no matter the situation I am going through. Rhonda is also very gracious and concerned with my well-being. I was in the hospital a month ago and she saw my wife in the cafeteria. Her concern for me was amazing. As soon as she learned of the situation I was going through she instantly began to text Dr. Long to let him know I was there. There is NO WAY I would ever see another surgeon. Thanks so much Dr. LONG, You have been a blessing to me and my family!”

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*Individual results may vary