Weight Loss Surgery Myths

Just like anything you read about on the internet, bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, has its own set of rumors going around. This medical intervention helps those dealing with obesity, giving them a way to a healthier and happier life. But there are a lot of myths about how we see these procedures, clouding the understanding of their effectiveness, safety, and overall impact. 

The professionals at BMI Surgery are here to dispel these myths and can provide you with clarity and insight into the realities of bariatric surgery. Together, we can separate fact from fiction and make an empowered decision based on accurate information.

5 Myths About Weight Loss Surgery

Myth #1: Bariatric Surgery is the Easy Way Out

Continuously attempting traditional weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, without achieving the desired results is similar to the definition of insanity—repeating the same actions while expecting a different result. For those struggling to lose weight, they might think taking the “easy way out” means sticking to methods that don’t work well, even when they’re not seeing much progress.

Contrary to popular belief, bariatric surgery is far from taking the easy way out. It’s an in-depth procedure that requires a lot of work before and after the operation. Patients engage in pre-operative classes, consultations, and post-operative lifestyle changes to sustain their results. Far from being a shortcut, bariatric surgery requires commitment and hard work.

Myth #2: Anyone Struggling With Weight Loss Can Receive Bariatric Surgery

Unfortunately, weight loss surgery is not suitable for everyone. The decision to undergo such a procedure depends on various factors, including your overall health, medical history, and severity of your obesity.

If you’re interested in learning more about whether bariatric surgery is right for you, please contact the professionals at BMI Surgery today. We’d be happy to walk you through your options—call us at (205) 850-1973.

Myth #3: It Doesn’t Matter What Form of Bariatric Surgery You Receive

While most bariatric surgery is placed under the umbrella of “weight loss surgery,” there is a difference in which procedure you choose. Most of these differences pertain to how the surgery is performed. From placing a small balloon in the stomach to completely changing the structure of your stomach, the professionals at BMI can walk you through the options best suited to your needs.

BMI Bariatric Surgery Options

  • Orbera Gastric Balloon: This non-surgical procedure places a temporary balloon into your stomach to make you feel fuller and control portion sizes.
  • Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass: Effective in maintaining long-term weight loss, this bariatric surgery creates a small stomach pouch to restrict food intake. Then, a Y-shaped section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch so food can bypass the lower stomach.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: During this weight loss surgery, the structure of your stomach is reduced in size by about two-thirds, leaving you feeling fuller quicker.
  • Lap-Band: Here, we’ll induce weight loss by reducing the capacity of the stomach using a hollow band. The band is placed around the upper end of the stomach and inflated with a saline solution, limiting the passageway. 
  • Revisional Weight Loss Surgery: Used for those who have regained weight after surgery, revisional weight loss procedures are offered to help you get back on track.

Myth #4: Bariatric Surgery Leaves a Large Scar and Is Painful

In the past, weight loss surgery would have left a large abdominal scar. But, with advancements in technology, most bariatric surgeries are now performed through “pinhole surgery,” or laparoscopic surgery. This procedure involves using a small tube-like instrument fitted with a camera on the end. The video monitor allows the surgeon to perform the surgery by seeing the inside of your abdomen.

Additionally, you may experience mild soreness after your procedure, especially in the stomach and abdominal area. You’ll be expected to limit physical activity for a few weeks, but most patients can resume their daily lives about one month post-treatment. The BMI professionals will provide you with aftercare instructions once we’ve performed your chosen bariatric surgery, making sure you’re informed about every detail. 

Myth #5: You’ll Never Be Able to Eat Normal Foods Again

While you will need to adjust to a dietary learning curve after bariatric surgery, we aren’t here to tell you that you’ll never be able to eat another Orea or piece of pie again. After surgery, your diet will be limited to liquids and soft or pureed foods. As you recover, you’ll be able to eat a variety of normal foods, but you will notice that your diet won’t be the same as it was pre-surgery.

Because your stomach has ultimately been shrunk, your portions will be much smaller, and you’ll feel fuller more quickly. Much like any other weight loss regimen, you’ll need to maintain healthy habits to avoid gaining the weight back. This will involve regular exercise and protein-focused meals. This doesn’t mean that you can’t incorporate foods you love, but it will need to be done in moderation.

Take Control of Your Weight Loss Journey

At BMI, we understand how difficult and stressful it can be to work toward weight loss without seeing results. For this reason, we provide Birmingham, AL, residents with efficient and effective bariatric surgical procedures. Operating in a state-of-the-art facility and using the latest surgical procedures, our team of board-certified surgeons is here to help you take control of your weight. 

There’s no better time than the present to start making a healthier change. We’ll walk you through your weight loss surgery options and determine the best solution for your specific needs. Each member of our team will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have, providing you with peace of mind every step of the way.

Don’t Wait; Schedule a Consultation Today!