Gastric Bypass Surgery in Houston, TX:

Gastric Bypass is a prominent example of bariatric surgery, a medical procedure designed to address obesity. This intricate two-step surgical intervention cleverly incorporates restriction and malabsorption mechanisms, culminating in remarkable weight loss outcomes for patients struggling with obesity. If you are intrigued by bariatric surgery’s potential benefits, we invite you to explore BMI.

Our esteemed facility specializes in performing laparoscopic gastric bypasses, utilizing advanced and minimally invasive techniques to ensure the utmost care and success in your weight loss journey. You can embrace a brighter, healthier future by entrusting your health to our experienced team.

Gastric Bypass – What You Should Know?

During gastric bypass surgery, your stomach and small intestine will undergo alterations. The surgery’s initial step involves creating a small pouch by cutting and stapling the stomach. This leads to restriction, effectively limiting the patient’s food intake. The subsequent step involves cutting the lower part of the small intestine and connecting it to the newly formed stomach pouch. This prompts malabsorption, enabling food to bypass the lower stomach and the upper segment of the small intestine.

At BMI Surgery, we specialize in performing laparoscopic gastric bypass procedures. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive operation wherein small incisions are made in the abdomen, and the surgeon employs tube-like instruments equipped with an internal camera. This innovative approach avoids the need for large incisions, facilitates quicker recovery, and lessens post-operative discomfort. On average, gastric bypass surgery typically takes between 60 to 120 minutes to complete. After the procedure, patients can expect to stay in the hospital for one to two days to ensure proper recovery and care.

Advantages of Gastric Bypass:

As with all forms of weight loss, gastric bypass surgery offers advantages and disadvantages. The key advantages include:

  • Gastric Bypass boasts an impressive track record, having been performed since 1967, making it the bariatric surgery with the longest history in the United States.
  • Rapid weight loss is a significant benefit for patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery, especially in the first six months. On average, patients experience around 66% of weight loss within 6-8 months following the procedure.
  • Gastric bypass surgery is an excellent option for addressing various health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, often leading to their improvement or cure.
  • Comparatively, patients who opt for gastric bypass tend to achieve more substantial weight loss than those who undergo gastric band or gastric sleeve surgery.
  • One of the most compelling advantages of gastric bypass surgery is its effectiveness in sustaining long-term weight loss. A decade after the operation, the average patient will have successfully shed 70% of their excess body weight.

Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass:

Gastric bypass surgery, like any medical procedure, comes with certain drawbacks. These disadvantages include:

  • Extended recovery periods compared to some other weight loss treatments.
  • The procedure is deemed irreversible, meaning it cannot be easily undone once performed.
  • There is a potential risk of the staple line along the stomach developing leaks, which requires careful monitoring and management.
  • Due to the surgery’s malabsorption aspect, patients must take nutritional and mineral supplements for the rest of their lives to maintain adequate health.
  • Some patients may experience minor weight gain between 2 to 5 years after the operation, necessitating ongoing lifestyle adjustments and monitoring.

As with any medical decision, it is essential for individuals considering gastric bypass surgery to weigh these advantages & disadvantages against the potential benefits and consult with healthcare professionals to make well-informed choices that align with their unique health needs and goals.

How Much Does Gastric Bypass Cost?

Most insurance companies will not cover the cost of bariatric surgeries. The cost of gastric bypass surgery at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is about $15,999 when paying out of pocket. We understand this is a big expense, and we are here to help in any way we can. Contact our team at BMI to discuss your loan and payment options.

Contact Gastric Bypass Surgery in Houston, TX

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a dedicated facility catering to general and bariatric surgery needs. When you choose BMI for your gastric bypass surgery, rest assured that you will receive exceptional and top-notch care. Dr. Jay C. Long, our esteemed bariatric surgeon, holds board certification in general surgery and specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques. Our compassionate staff is committed to offering unwavering support and addressing any inquiries you may have throughout your journey.


Suppose you reside in or around Houston and want to explore gastric bypass surgery. In that case, we welcome you to contact our team and schedule a consultation. We eagerly await the opportunity to guide you toward a healthier and happier future.