A man and woman in sports clothes are smiling as they run down a path with the sun behind them.

If you recently had a type of weight loss surgery, such as gastric sleeve surgery, you’re probably wondering what types of exercises you can do to maintain your newer, fitter lifestyle.  

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, an appropriate exercise routine is an excellent way to ensure you’re staying lean and strong after surgery. Furthermore, exercise is known to help with mental health and positive outlooks–yet another benefit at the start of your post-surgery life.  

For these reasons and nearly too many others to list, exercise is crucial after weight loss surgery. Let’s look at the different kinds of exercise you might consider at each stage of your recovery after weight loss surgery. 

Staying Fit & Maintaining Results After Weight Loss Surgery in Birmingham, AL

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we specialize in gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and lap band weight loss procedures. At our purpose built facility, “minimally invasive” more often means a faster recovery and less pain.

Schedule your consultation today by calling us at (205) 858-1211 or contacting us online! In the meantime, here’s what you can do to bounce back and stay lean after weight loss surgery.

Stage 1: Easy Exercise 

As you begin your recovery after weight loss surgery, it is crucial for you to get up and move around or try light physical activity. Even just walking around the house is a great way to get the blood flowing and improve circulation, which will aid in the recovery process. 

As your strength and stamina increases, you should try to gradually incorporate more activities into your routine, such as gentle joint exercises. 

Stage 2: Gentle Joint Exercises 

Exercises that are gentle on joints are easier on your body after weight loss surgery. Even so, joint exercises still build strength and stamina. Just be sure to take it easy until your body feels ready to speed things up. Always talk to your doctor when you decide to change your exercise routine. 

Here are a few gentle joint exercises you might try: 

  • Swimming and pool exercises
  • Elliptical training machines and stair machines
  • Tai Chi
  • Stationary or recumbent cycling

Gentle joint exercises are good for continuing that momentum and building up to greater challenges. 

Stage 3: Aerobics and Strength Training

Eventually, you should be ready to begin more intense aerobic and strength training exercises. Of course, we will discuss where you are in your recovery journey and which exercises will be best for you. Some people are ready after a few weeks, but it can take months to build up the strength for more strenuous exercise routines. 

Here are two different types of exercises you might consider to build strength and continue a healthy lifestyle: aerobic and strength training exercises.  

Aerobic Training After Weight Loss Surgery 

Aerobic exercises involve keeping your heart rate at a steady and consistent level. They are good for building pulmonary stamina and endurance. Types of aerobic exercises include: 

  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Cycling
  • Hiking

There are many other aerobic activities you can try. You may also use exercise equipment such as an elliptical machine or treadmill. 

Strength Training After Weight Loss Surgery

This type of exercise focuses on building your muscles. There are many different ways to engage in strength training. Physical trainers can help you decide which muscle groups you should focus on to build strength where you want it most. 

We recommend beginning with very light weights and building your way up slowly. You may even begin with weight resistance bands or other types of strength exercises that don’t involve weights, like push-ups and planks, before moving on to larger weights. 

Here are some strength training exercises you might try after weight loss surgery: 

  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Lunges
  • Pull-ups

There are a wide variety of strength training exercises you can try when your body is ready. Also, it is always good to try many different types of exercises to keep things interesting and to help maintain consistent exercise. 

How often should you exercise after weight loss surgery? 

When your body feels ready, we recommend getting at least 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours) of moderate exercise each week to stay healthy. You should spread this out over the week in a way that will make it easy for you to remain consistent. It can be a challenge for some to stick with a routine, especially if you have a busy schedule, but we are here to help. 

By making exercise of any sort a part of your post-surgery recovery routine, you’re bouncing back faster while preserving your hard-earned benefits. 

Continuing Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery

Every weight loss journey is different, which means every recovery journey is unique. The exercises you do should be tailored to your experience and your body. Listen to your body for signals as to what it needs and communicate any concerns or unusual symptoms to your healthcare team. 

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we’re ready to guide you through every step of your weight loss journey, including what types of exercises will be best for you.

In addition to getting help from your caring team here, you may also seek out the help of friends and family to help you stay dedicated to your health goals. Exercise is always best with someone there to encourage you.  

Healthy Living and Exercise After Gastric Sleeve Surgery at BMI

After gastric sleeve surgery it is vital for you to remain dedicated, patient, and committed to your well-being. The recovery journey is unique for each individual, so any exercise plan will be unique to your needs. If you have specific concerns or questions about what exercises are right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to BMI for personalized support. You can call us anytime at (205) 858-1211.