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FAQs About Weight Loss With Gastric Sleeve Surgery

gastric sleeve FAQs

gastric sleeve FAQs
Gastric sleeve surgery
is one of our most popular weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive. There are many benefits and reasons to choose this surgery, including the fact that it is often a cost-effective choice. It’s also a low-risk procedure with a high success rate. 

But every person is different, and there are many factors that go into our recommendations about which surgery is right for you. We are always happy to answer any and every question you may have, and we hear a lot of them. In this article, we have compiled some of the questions we hear most often about gastric sleeve surgery. See if your question is here, and if not, contact us!

Gastric Sleeve Surgery FAQs

From the specifics of the surgery itself, to recovery and everything in between, here are common questions and answers. 

What exactly happens during the gastric sleeve procedure?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a laparoscopic bariatric procedure that reconfigures the stomach into a sleeve-like shape. In doing so, we remove a part of the stomach responsible for producing ghrelin, the hormone that tells your brain when you’re hungry. The surgery also restricts the size of the stomach, making it much harder to eat large portions of food. These two factors combine to help you lose weight.

Are there any risks to gastric sleeve?

Overall, gastric sleeve surgery is a very safe procedure. Our surgeon, Dr. Jay Long, has performed the surgery many, many times. While it is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a significant surgery, which will always carry some risk, such as internal bleeding and infection.

How much does gastric sleeve surgery cost?

Gastric sleeve surgery is considered one of the less invasive weight loss procedures. It requires less time to perform the surgery and a shorter hospital stay in most cases. This allows us to offer it at a lower price than some other weight-loss surgeries. See specific pricing information here

Will my insurance cover the surgery?

Your insurance may cover the surgery, but if it does, there are typically very strict requirements to qualify even though the procedure is medically indicated. This often includes a lengthy physician-supervised diet that usually lasts anywhere from 3-12 months. By paying out of pocket, you avoid all of these strict requirements that insurance companies create. You can start the journey towards a healthier life much more quickly.

How long does it take to recover?

Because we remove a large portion of your stomach, it will take some time to recover. Exactly how long it takes you to get back to normal will depend on many factors, including your starting weight and what type of job you have. However, the important thing to understand here is that we perform gastric sleeve surgery laparoscopically. This avoids the need for large abdominal incisions and results in less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery. When you compare it to other options, such as gastric bypass, surgery and recovery time are typically shorter.

How much weight will I lose?

Of course, this varies and depends on many factors. But depending on your pre-operative weight, you can expect to lose between 40 to 70% of your excess body weight in the first year after gastric sleeve surgery. Additionally, many obesity-related problems improve or resolve after the procedure. This may include diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, abnormal cholesterol levels, and more. 

What will I be able to eat after the surgery? 

You will be required to follow a strict post-op eating plan that will look similar to what’s outlined below. Going through this diet plan while letting your body adjust is an extremely important part of recovery. 

  • Stage one: liquids — right after surgery
  • Stage two: protein-rich liquids— a few days after surgery
  • Stage three: pureed soft foods — approximately two weeks after surgery
  • Stage four: solid foods — approximately four weeks after surgery

How else will my eating habits have to change?

The reality is that you will not be able to go back to your old eating habits, including eating unhealthy foods and eating too much. We will recommend that you eat small portions so your body can absorb more of the nutrients in the food while also allowing you to feel full. You will need to eat slowly and drink only between meals. Liquids take up space in your stomach and make you feel full. When having a meal, you need this space for food to provide your body with important vitamins and nutrients. Drinking during non-meal times is often very helpful.

What happens if I eat too much after having the surgery?

Since it is a restrictive procedure, overeating after surgery can lead to severe abdominal pain and cramps. With overeating, you may also experience vomiting or diarrhea. To avoid this, our professionals at BMI Surgery will work with you along the way as much as possible. You will have a diet plan and all the tools and information you need to be successful. It will be a challenge in the beginning, but as time goes on, our patients typically get into a really good groove of knowing what to eat, what their body needs, and how to accomplish their goals. 

Is it possible I will regain the weight?

While we do not consider gastric sleeve to be a reversible procedure, in some patients, the stomach tube or “sleeve” may stretch over time leading to late weight regain. If you do experience this, we have the option to perform a second stage operation known as a duodenal switch or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

Is Gastric Sleeve Your Answer for Weight Loss?

This is not a question you can answer on your own. If you are ready to seriously look into it, schedule an appointment with Dr. Long. He, along with our team of professionals, will help you consider all the options and find the right one.

Find out more about the gastric sleeve surgery and other weight loss options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Which Surgery Helps You Lose Weight the Fastest?

weight loss surgery results

weight loss surgery results
All of our weight loss surgery options at
Birmingham Minimally Invasive will help you lose weight faster than you would with diet and exercise alone. This is especially true when you consider that diet and exercise alone doesn’t work for many people, especially long-term. 

The entire process you go through with weight loss surgery — from the pre-op testing and dieting, to the surgery itself, and then the changes you make after — is designed for long-term success. Even so, many people want to know which option will help them lose weight the fastest. 

Rate of Weight Loss for Surgeries at Birmingham Minimally Invasive

While we will talk about typical rates of weight loss for our most popular surgeries, the answer really varies. It depends on each individual, including how heavy you were to start with, genetics, if you smoke, and how committed you are to your plan. 

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a simple, minimally invasive procedure that’s a great option for anyone suffering from obesity and other weight-related health conditions. In addition to weight loss, these conditions may improve, and you may see results such as improved cardiovascular functioning, remission of type 2 diabetes, and joint pain relief.

To accomplish these results, the procedure reduces the overall size of your stomach and allows you to only eat a small amount at one time. You can expect to lose weight over the course of several months. While success rates will vary, when paired with proper diet and exercise, you may reduce excess weight by approximately 50 to 70% over the first one to two years after surgery. 


With this procedure, we place the LAP-BAND near the top of the stomach where it meets the esophagus. This creates a very small pouch that empties into the larger remaining portion of the stomach. We connect the band to a port, which is located underneath the skin of the abdomen. This is how we put fluid in the band, which allows us to make the band opening larger or smaller in size, providing more or less restriction.

With the LAP-BAND, weight loss may be somewhat slower than with other options. We have to find that “happy place” where you are able to eat well but also maintain smaller portion sizes. This is where band adjustments come into play. Many patients like this feeling of control and knowing that the band can be taken out if necessary.

Gastric Bypass Surgery 

Gastric bypass patients tend to lose more weight than those who undergo LAP-BAND or gastric sleeve. It’s often a great option for heavier patients because most lose up to 80% of their excess body weight. This rapid weight loss can be very beneficial for those who have more severe health issues, such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 

For most patients, 60 to 70% of weight loss occurs within the first 6 to 8 months after surgery, allowing patients to lose weight rapidly and keep it off. Because the surgery has been performed for over 50 years, we have more long-term data to support the effectiveness. 

This rapid weight loss is possible because with gastric bypass, we are restricting your stomach’s ability to hold food. This means you will naturally eat less and feel full sooner. The average patient is able to lose and maintain their weight loss long-term. 

Find out more about the weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Healthy Eating & Exercise for Kids

healthy kids

healthy kids

With the back to school season upon us, kids are having to get back to the grind of learning, taking tests, doing homework, and more. There are two simple lifestyle factors that can greatly improve how well they perform in all of these areas, in addition to helping them do it all with happy, positive attitudes. Those two things are healthy eating and regular physical activity. 

While we will talk about how these factors can be beneficial to kids of all ages, we want to be clear that we are not suggesting that children diet or over-exercise. It should not be something that you as their parent or the child is overly focused on. Rather, we are suggesting that healthy eating and exercise be naturally and seamlessly incorporated into your days so that children grow up learning lifelong healthy habits that will benefit them when they are older as well.

Good nutrition is essential to healthy brain development in children which is, of course, critical to learning. Children who exercise regularly and eat healthily are likely to perform better academically; feel better about themselves, their bodies, and their abilities; cope with stress and regulate their emotions better; and avoid feelings of low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. 

Children need a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients for growth and development and to protect them from childhood illnesses. Daily exercise also helps children build stronger muscles and bones. 

How to Improve Kids’ Eating and Activity Level

The earlier you can create healthy habits, the better. Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. You don’t want to make kids feel bad about their weight or focus on it too much as this can create self-esteem issues that may start at a young age. But if your family has always been active and eaten healthy foods, that’s what they are likely to do as they grow up as well.

So how exactly do all this? What does it look like on a daily basis, and what should you focus on the most as kids go back to school?

Encourage more physical activity. This is often a great place to start since it will help kids work up an appetite, and then when you provide healthy snacks and meals, they will happily eat it. Aim for 60 minutes everyday of play-based activity, such as playing catch, going for walks or bike rides, doing yard work, or playing tag. 

Introduce new foods. Eating a variety of foods means that kids are more likely to get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and look for creative ways to add these in. For example, add a sliced up banana or a few sliced strawberries to the typical bowl of (not too sugary) cereal before school. You may also try foods you haven’t previously thought your kids would eat, such as salad. Kids may surprise you with what they like.

Limit screen time. Even the best parents may relax about screen time rules over the summer, but with school back in session, you may need to revisit the amount of time your kids sit still watching TV, playing on tablets, playing video games, etc. The more time they spend doing these activities, the less time they are moving, doing homework, and studying. How much screen time works for each family is an individual decision, but something to consider carefully.

Only buy healthy options. If you buy junk food, your family will eat junk food. If you buy healthy foods, that’s what they will eat instead. Your shopping cart should be full of healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain items. We do not recommend purchasing or serving kids low-fat foods since they may contain unhealthy added ingredients, including added sugar. This may be a good time for you to get more creative with meals and snacks. Many are quick, easy, and healthy, like these!

Eat meals together. Especially on busy school mornings or evenings, it may be easier to serve children their meals at different times or in front of the TV, but make it a goal to do this as little as possible. Eating together has many important benefits related to health and nutrition, but it’s also a time to connect and communicate.

Focus on fuel. Your thought process in feeding your kids should go beyond just getting them to eat; it’s about WHAT they eat and when. Every child needs a nutritious, filling breakfast whether they have a normal school day or if they have an afternoon of sports activities. If your child has snacks throughout the day, send something that will help refuel them. A candy bar or packet of cheese crackers will not provide long-lasting energy, but a combination of fruit, nuts, cheeses, peanut butter, and many other healthy options will help keep them going longer.

Don’t forget about sleep. Healthy eating and appropriate activity is crucial, but closely tied to both of those is sleep. Nutritious meals and exercise will help them feel ready for bed at the right time, it will help them sleep soundly, and it will allow their bodies to rest and get ready to do it all over again the next day.

How Are Your Healthy Habits, Mom and Dad?

As you focus on your kids during the back to school season, don’t forget about yourself and your spouse. Any positive healthy changes you make for your kids, you can also make for yourself. We encourage you to focus on yourself too, and weight loss surgery may be something for you to consider. When it comes to diet plans, exercise plans, and the entire recovery process, we will be with you every step along the way.

Find out more about the weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Weight Loss Surgery Diets: What You Can Eat & When

weight loss surgery diet

weight loss surgery diet
Many of us love to eat. It’s normal and natural to feel that way, and understandably, patients of
Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery often want to know more about what they will be able to eat if they have weight loss surgery. 

There is no doubt that what and how you eat will be different, starting before you have surgery and continuing after. And we’ll be honest — it is a challenge. But the more restricted phases don’t last forever, and many people find new ways of eating that they absolutely love. 

Typical Diet Before Weight Loss Surgery

We want to note that there will be variations in your diet depending on which specific weight loss surgery you are having, whether it be gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or the LAP-BAND. But generally speaking, this is what you can expect.

We will help you make a plan for a special diet you will need to follow before surgery. This pre-op diet is geared toward reducing the amount of fat in and around your liver to reduce the risk of complications during surgery. 

Making changes in your diet before surgery will also help you start getting used to a new way of eating. This is a lifelong change, so the sooner you start, the better. Your new eating plan may begin as soon as you are cleared for the procedure.

Guidelines are individualized for each patient and surgery type, but may include the following:

  • Eliminating or decreasing saturated fats, such as whole milk products, fatty meat, and fried food
  • Eliminating or decreasing foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as sugary desserts, pasta, potatoes, and bread
  • Eliminating high-sugar beverages, such as juice and sodas
  • Practicing portion control
  • Avoiding binge eating
  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcoholic beverages and recreational drugs
  • Not drinking beverages with meals
  • Taking a daily multivitamin
  • Taking protein supplements

With your pre-op diet, you will likely drink protein shakes and eat other high-protein, low-calorie foods that are easy to digest. As you get closer to your surgery date, you may need to follow a mostly-liquid or liquid-only diet. Based on your weight and overall health, you may be able to eat some solids during this time, such as fish, watered-down hot cereal, or soft-boiled eggs.

Typical Diet After Weight Loss Surgery

With all of our weight loss surgeries, we are reducing the size of your stomach and therefore reducing the amount of food you can eat at one time and overall. In order to allow your stomach to heal and adjust properly immediately after surgery, you will be required to follow a post-op diet plan that can be broken down into four stages. 


Stage one begins right after surgery. During this time, you are restricted to clear liquids like water, broth, and unsweetened gelatin. This may sound like it will be challenging, but most patients experience little to no hunger the first few days after surgery. You will particularly be avoiding sugar, and carbonation, but you will consume a lot of liquids to stay hydrated. 

Protein-Rich Liquids

We will confirm when you are able to move to stage two, which is usually around five days after surgery. During this stage, you will introduce more liquids into your diet and begin drinking high protein shakes. You may experience an increase in appetite, but it is important that you stick to your diet plan and avoid solid food. Your body will not be able to handle it yet. 

Stage two food options may include: 

  • Thin broth and creamed soups (no chunks)
  • Sugar-free protein/nutrition shakes
  • Sugar-free nonfat yogurt or pudding
  • Thinned oatmeal

The goal of stage two is to make sure you are consuming the correct amount of protein and staying hydrated. You should try new foods at a slow pace and in accordance with your diet plan. Sugary liquids should still be avoided, along with carbonation, high fat options, and chunky foods. 

Pureed Soft Foods

You will become friends with your blender during this period. Once you are around two weeks post-surgery, you can begin incorporating pureed soft foods into your diet. The key here is to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. You may find that your tolerance for certain foods has changed, so you should take your time testing new options. 

At this stage, your food should be the consistency of a thick liquid or smooth paste. You should continue to avoid chunky or fatty foods, sugar, seasonings, starches, and fibrous vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.  

Stage three includes pureeing the following food items with water, skim milk, broth, or sugar-free juice: cooked vegetables, eggs, beans, lean ground meats, soft fruits, cottage cheese, plain yogurt. You will also continue drinking a lot of liquids to avoid dehydration. 

Solid Foods 

Finally, you’ll start getting back to normal, but it will be a new normal. With Dr. Long’s approval, you can begin the transition to eating soft, solid foods around four weeks after surgery. Make sure to test foods one at a time to determine what you can tolerate. 

Try to structure your meals with protein in mind. We recommend consuming around 60 grams of protein per day, which can be difficult if you fill up on other foods first. A daily protein shake, in addition to high protein foods like eggs and lean ground meat, will help you meet your recommended protein goals.

As you slowly start integrating solid foods into your diet, make sure to stick to healthy, easy-to-digest options. This includes things like chicken, fish, well-cooked vegetables, low-fat cheese, and fruit. 

Foods you should continue to avoid: 

  • Whole milk products 
  • Fried foods
  • Starchy items like pasta, white potatoes, and bread
  • Sugary drinks and snacks
  • Over-processed/packaged foods like potato chips 
  • Fibrous vegetables like celery, asparagus, and broccoli
  • Spicy or heavily seasoned foods

Once you have successfully incorporated solid foods back into your diet, it is important to continue making conscious food choices. The amount of food you eat throughout the day will be limited, so what you eat and how you eat is vital to staying on track.

Healthy Eating for a Lifetime

While it may sound impossible at the beginning of the journey, this general plan will be tailored to you individually, and it’s meant to set you up for short-term and long-term success. The diet will help you recover from surgery and transition to a way of eating that is healthy and supports your weight-loss goals. Most patients become very motivated to keep up the healthy habits they have learned, and we are confident that you will be too!

Let BMI Surgery Help You Learn New Healthy Eating Habits With Weight Loss Surgery

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Should You Have Weight Loss Surgery?

weight loss surgery

weight loss surgery
You make many decisions everyday. Big ones, small ones, medium ones. But how many decisions are you making for your health? Your health should always be a top priority! For those considering weight loss surgery, there are two major decisions. First, is this really the right time to have weight loss surgery? And second, which surgery should you have?

Making the Decision to Have Weight Loss Surgery

First and foremost, you must be ready to completely change your lifestyle. From what you eat, how you eat, and how often you eat to how active you are and how you structure your days, many things will have to change to achieve long-term success after weight loss surgery. For some people, this drastic change is necessary and helpful. 

If you want to be considered for weight loss surgery at Birmingham Minimally Invasive, we will do a thorough exam and evaluation to find out if you are indeed a good candidate. Here are some of the things we will assess:

  • Previous efforts to lose weight with diet and exercise 
  • Body mass index (BMI) must be 40 or higher or you must have a BMI of 35 or higher combined with serious weight-related health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea
  • Nutrition and weight history, including weight trends, previous diet attempts, eating habits, exercise regimen, stress level, time constraints, motivation, and other factors
  • Other medical conditions that may increase the risks associated with having weight loss surgery or may be worsened by the surgery, such as blood clots, liver disease, heart problems, kidney stones, and nutritional deficiencies
  • Medications you take, how much alcohol you drink, and if you smoke
  • Psychological status since certain mental health conditions may contribute to obesity or make it more difficult for you to maintain health benefits after the surgery
  • Motivation since you need great willingness and ability to follow through with recommendations for lifestyle changes
  • There is no specific age limit for weight loss surgery, but this can impact our recommendations

There may be specific requirements and considerations related to each of our weight loss surgery options.

Which Kind of Weight Loss Surgery is Best For You?

This is a big decision, but not one you will make alone. Our surgeon, Dr. Long, will come alongside you to provide his expertise and experience. He will consider your unique needs and find the right option, and he’s the best when it comes to performing weight loss surgeries. Here’s a look at our three most popular weight loss surgeries.

Gastric Sleeve 

During gastric sleeve surgery, we basically cut away the top and largest part of the stomach called the fundus. This is where the hunger hormone, ghrelin, lives, and that’s why we often hear our post-surgery patients say they’re never hungry. Along with eliminating this hunger hormone, we’re also removing about 2/3 of the stomach, which is why these two combining factors lead to significant weight loss.

Compared to other options, gastric sleeve is considered to be a more simple procedure. We do not reroute the intestines like we do during gastric bypass, and we do not put in a foreign body as we do with the LAP-BAND. It typically takes only about 30 to 45 minutes, and we perform the surgery laparoscopically. This means we avoid the need for large abdominal incisions, which typically results in less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery.

Gastric Bypass

With the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, we create a very small stomach pouch that restricts food intake. Next, a Y-shaped section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch that allows food to bypass the lower stomach, the duodenum (the first segment of the small intestine), and the first portion of the jejunum (the second segment of the small intestine). This ultimately reduces the amount of food you can take in because you have a very small stomach that holds about one to two ounces. 

The bypass is usually a better option for our heavier patients because most will lose up to 80% of their excess body weight as opposed to about 60% with the sleeve. It’s also going to be the better option for anyone with severe acid reflux or poorly controlled diabetes since the bypass has proven to cure both. For patients with more weight to lose and more comorbidities, like sleep apnea, high blood pressure and/or diabetes, gastric bypass is typically a better procedure overall with more rapid weight loss. 

We sometimes hear that people have the impression that gastric bypass is more invasive than other options, but we take a minimally invasive approach. We typically make six incisions, and it’s done completely laparoscopically. It is a little more labor-intensive because we do change your anatomy. The inpatient surgery takes one to two hours and requires a hospital stay of one or two nights.  


During this procedure, we place the LAP-BAND, a band made of a special material, near the top of the stomach where it meets the esophagus. This creates a very small pouch that empties into the larger remaining portion of the stomach. The band is connected to a port, which is underneath the skin of the abdomen, and this port is how we put fluid in the band, allowing us to make the band opening larger or smaller in size, giving the patient more or less restriction.

We typically perform the LAP-BAND procedure in our outpatient surgery center, and you are usually discharged the same day. Some patients prefer the LAP-BAND because it is not permanent. We are not changing the anatomy of the stomach, and we can take the LAP-BAND out if you choose to do so.

Let Us Help You Decide Which Path to Take for Weight Loss

The goal with all of these procedures is weight loss, but it’s still important to keep in mind that no surgery is a magic fix for permanent weight loss. While it will certainly help, diet and exercise are still going to be important. Eating the right foods, not consuming excess calories, and establishing an exercise routine are essential when you’re trying to lose weight and keep it off.  

Making the decision to have weight loss surgery is huge. But even when you are certain that this is what you need to do, it can be overwhelming to move forward. Our surgeon and staff will be with you every step along the way, but we know that many patients like to be as informed as possible about their options. 

Find out more about the weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Health Conditions Likely to Improve With Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss health conditions

weight loss health conditions
One of the reasons why
obesity is such a huge health concern is that it often goes hand-in-hand with other major health problems. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are obese, which means that many people already have or are facing the risks of developing serious weight-related conditions.

Taking care of your health by managing your weight is one of the best things you can do to maximize your opportunity to live a long, healthy, and enjoyable life.

In many cases, losing weight improves these other conditions significantly if not completely. But for those with a body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher, losing weight with diet and exercise may not be possible. Weight loss surgery may be necessary to help you lose weight initially, thus starting you on your journey toward better overall health.

Health Conditions Likely to Improve With Weight Loss 

What health conditions are we talking about specifically? 


Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest health risks of obesity. While some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is frequently linked to preventable causes, like obesity. It occurs because being obese puts extra stress on cells, which affects insulin receptors. Common symptoms of diabetes include extreme thirst, frequent urination, headaches, and infections that take a long time to heal.

High Blood Pressure

Having too much body fat means your heart has to work harder to circulate your blood. This puts pressure on the walls of the arteries. High blood pressure doesn’t always result in obvious symptoms, so you should talk to your doctor if you’re at risk for this condition.

Sleep Apnea

This is a serious condition that causes you to stop breathing for a few seconds at a time. Sleep apnea not only reduces your quality of sleep, but it can also deprive your brain of oxygen, which can result in life-threatening health problems.


Everyone has some risk of cancer, but being obese can significantly increase the risks, particularly specific types of cancer, such as kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. 

Heart Disease

One of the better-known complications associated with obesity, heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Heart disease is a broad term used to describe conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, and several other conditions. 


The additional weight and strain that an obese person puts on his or her joints can lead to a number of conditions, including osteoarthritis. This condition is defined by the wearing down of cartilage in the joints, leading to pain, reduced mobility, and numbness throughout various parts of the body.

Why It’s Important to Have Weight Loss Surgery Now

Obesity is considered a progressive disease because the excess weight gain causes a number of hormonal and metabolic changes. These changes increase the risk for even greater fat accumulation over time, making it difficult to fight using diet and exercise alone. The conditions mentioned above can possibly be managed to some extent through medications, but they will most likely not improve or go away without weight loss.

We are so thankful to have the opportunity to offer several weight loss surgery options that can save lives! At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we work to educate our patients on their options, as well as life after surgery. 

To learn more about how to improve your health, schedule a consultation with BMI Surgery today!

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Avoiding Common Mistakes After Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss surgery

weight loss surgery
The road to weight loss after surgeries, such as
gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or the LAP-BAND is different for everyone, but after working with thousands of patients in the Birmingham, Alabama, area, we have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t.

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we do our best to provide you with all the tools you need to be successful. This includes a pre-op diet plan, post-op diet plan, recovery information, guidance on exercise, and much more. Following these plans is crucial for recovery and weight loss, especially in the long-term. 

Mistakes to Avoid After Weight Loss Surgery

We know it’s a challenge though, and it’s not hard to make little mistakes along the way. Rather than dealing with mistakes after the fact, the best approach is to try and prevent mistakes from occurring in the first place. Being able to do that starts with knowledge of those common mistakes! Here are some of the top ones we see.

Eating too much

Most people know that you won’t eat nearly the same volume of food after undergoing weight loss surgery, but the specifics will vary. In general, you can expect to eat only three or four bites before you feel full. Eating even one bite too many may be too much, and you could feel sick after that extra bite. Remember that you can save your meal and come back to it when you get hungry later.

Not chewing each bite thoroughly enough

This is a new concept for many people, but it’s very important in the early days of recovery. You will need to chew each bite to an applesauce consistency before you swallow. After a while it will get much easier to eat and get things down without any issues, but in the beginning, you need to chew thoroughly and take it slow. By chewing to an applesauce consistency, you’re ensuring that the food goes down more easily and doesn’t get stuck. 

Eating and drinking at the same time

This is also often an adjustment, but important as well. There are two reasons you will want to eat and drink separately. First, as mentioned above, you can only eat three or four bites at a time, so you don’t want to fill up with fluids. Plan on drinking about thirty minutes later, once your food is digested. The second reason is to help avoid dumping syndrome, which you can read more about here

Not taking important vitamins 

Depending on which surgery you had, you may need to take particular vitamins and supplements to make sure you are getting complete and proper nutrition. We will also recommend vitamins to help your body recover from surgery and maintain the best health possible. Taking our recommendations that are specific to you and your situation is key.

Not focusing enough on good nutrition

Since your caloric content will be constricted after surgery, it’s vital that you pack your diet with healthy nutrients. Your body won’t function well if you use your calories to only eat potato chips or other foods that have no nutritional value. You may think that a tiny handful of nuts, chips, crackers, or candy won’t affect your diet, but these foods pack a lot of calories in small portions. Also remember that protein is especially important after surgery.

Not drinking enough water

Drinking plenty of water or other healthy liquids is one of the most important things you can do after surgery. Water helps every part of your body function well, and it will help your body heal, provide energy, and aid in weight loss. As mentioned above, you should not drink water with meals, but at separate times throughout the day.

Too much alcohol

While alcohol does not provide any nutritional value, it does contain calories. Each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories that the body has no use for. It is especially important that gastric bypass patients to avoid alcohol, because this surgery causes alcohol to enter the bloodstream at a more rapid rate.

Drinking carbonated beverages

Many carbonated beverages, such as soda, contain high levels of sugar. We do not ever recommend sugar as a source of calories as it can quickly lead to weight gain. Carbonated beverages can also cause dehydration after weight loss surgery, and they can make it difficult to distinguish between gas pain and more serious pain right after surgery. The acid in many of these drinks can also cause gastric erosion over time.

Let BMI Surgery Help You Avoid Mistakes After Weight Loss Surgery

We are always so proud of our patients for deciding to change their lives by having weight loss surgery. It’s the beginning of the journey though, not the end. We will be here every step along the way to help you avoid mistakes and be successful!

Find out more about the weight loss surgery options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Why You Should Go to a Weight Loss Surgery Support Group

weight loss surgery support groups

weight loss surgery support groups
Everyone’s attitude toward support groups is different. Some people say, “Do I really have to go?” while others can’t wait until the next meeting. But there are many types of support groups and meetings, and chances are, there’s an option out there for you that will work. 

Even though we know some people will still be skeptical, support groups can truly be a helpful tool in helping you stay on track, find motivation, and connect with others after weight loss surgery.

Weight Loss Surgery Support Groups — Reasons to Go

It’s much easier to stick with weight loss and exercise when you have support. Sometimes this support is crucial right before and right after your weight loss surgery. By joining a support group, whether in-person or online, you can share tips on diet and exercise, find an exercise buddy, discuss your struggles and successes, and much more. 

People who might attend a support group include:

  • Pre-op patients waiting for surgery
  • Early post-op patients or “newbies”
  • Long-term veteran patients checking in
  • Veterans looking to get back on track
  • Friends and family members
  • Volunteers
  • Professionals

While each person is there for different reasons, they likely hope to see benefits, such as these:


“Am I doing the right thing?” “Will I be ok?” “Will I succeed?” Prior to surgery, support groups can help you find answers to practical questions, but also validate your decision to have weight loss surgery. This is important to some people and not others. You will have to find your own answers to the questions above, but other individuals who have already gone through it can provide insight, perspective, and real-world experiences that will likely be helpful.


Support groups should provide social and emotional support, but they should also provide the opportunity to learn. Some groups include a more structured meeting, featuring scheduled topic presentations, possibly with guest speakers and health professionals. Others are more topic and discussion based. Either option should be helpful and educational to provide a well-rounded foundation of knowledge for long-term success.

Understanding & Support

While weight loss surgery is definitely not uncommon, many people don’t know anyone else who has done it. This can lead to feeling misunderstood or even lonely. Surrounding yourself with a group of people who do understand what you are going through is so important. You may experience physical, emotional, and relationship changes throughout the journey, and getting to know others who have been through it or who are on that journey will be extremely helpful.


Again, the people in a weight loss surgery support group know just what is involved in this journey in a way that others can’t. As you lose weight and achieve goals, you need to celebrate these achievements and share your successes with people who understand what you have accomplished.

Rededication & Motivation

The first few years following weight loss surgery can be incredible, but it’s also a lot of hard work for the rest of your life. Patients do sometimes slip back into old habits, regain a few pounds, and become discouraged. When and if that happens, support groups become an even more important connection to help stay focused, in control, and successful. A monthly weigh-in or check-in at a support group meeting provides an important element of accountability and an opportunity to reconnect and rededicate yourself to long-term goals.

Finding a Weight Loss Surgery Support Group

When you are a patient of Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, you will benefit from our knowledge and recommendations for support groups in the Birmingham, Alabama, area. We can point you in the right direction, and get you signed up. 

In addition to these groups, patients often like to participate in online forums or apps. Online support forums offer a place for members to share stories, discuss diet and exercise plans, and more. Some examples include Bariatric Pal, Obesity Help, and MyFitnessPal. While these options can be helpful, we advise that you remember that most of the people on these forums aren’t medical professionals. Always check with us before starting a new diet plan or exercise program.

Let BMI Surgery help you lose weight with one of our weight loss surgery options in Birmingham, Alabama

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Advantages of LAP-BAND Surgery for Weight Loss

LAP-BAND advantages

LAP-BAND advantages

Interested in fewer risks and side effects in relation to weight loss surgery? Then the LAP-BAND might be right for you! This option provides many advantages and benefits. 

The minimally invasive procedure is one of the most common weight loss surgery options. In fact, it is generally thought to be the least traumatic of all weight-loss surgeries, because it does not require any cutting, stapling, or stomach rerouting. This means less postoperative pain, a shorter hospital stay, and reduced recovery time.

For many, it’s the perfect way to lose weight and improve health conditions without being too restricting. We want everyone to be able to lead a happy and healthy life after surgery. 

Advantages of the LAP-BAND for Weight Loss

The LAP-BAND is a hollow band made of special material. Working laparoscopically, we place the band around the upper part of the stomach where it meets the esophagus. This creates a very small pouch that empties into the larger remaining portion of the stomach. The band is connected to a port, which is located underneath the skin of the abdomen. 

With this port, we can inflate the band with a salt solution. We can tighten or loosen it over time to change the size of the passage by increasing or decreasing the amount of salt solution. This tightening or loosening determines how much restriction there is on what you eat. The LAP-BAND induces weight loss by reducing the capacity of the stomach, which restricts the amount of food you can consume.

So that’s how it works; now what about those advantages? Here are some of the main ones!

Minimally invasive

Recognized as the least traumatic of all the weight loss surgeries, we perform the LAP-BAND procedure laparoscopically, which means it doesn’t require any cutting, stapling, or stomach rerouting. This in turn means less postoperative pain, a shortened hospital stay, and, ultimately, a reduced recovery time.

Low risk of nutritional deficiencies

With the LAP-BAND, we do not change the anatomy of your stomach, which means that food and nutrients will continue to be properly absorbed into the body. Deficiencies can sometimes lead to hair loss, so this is also less likely to occur if you choose the LAP-BAND.

No “dumping syndrome” related to dietary intake restrictions

Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after having surgery to remove all or part of your stomach orto bypass your stomach. It causes food, especially sugar, to move from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly, leading to a variety of potential problems. With the LAP-BAND, we do not change your anatomy, so dumping syndrome is unlikely.

Adjustable without additional surgery

Without the need for additional surgery, you can have the band adjusted to better meet your needs and weight loss goals. For some patients, it’s also good to know that the LAP-BAND is reversible. If desired, we can restore the stomach to its original form and function.

Cost-effective option

The LAP-BAND is one of the more cost-effective procedures at $7,999. This is often especially appealing for those who will be paying out of pocket, rather than using insurance assistance for payment. The $7,999 cash price includes:

  • Pre-operative testing, including blood work and EKG, if necessary
  • Pre-operative nutrition evaluation
  • Surgeon Fee for the procedure
  • Anesthesiologist Fee
  • Surgery Center Fee. (LAP- BAND® is performed on an outpatient basis.)
  • Post-operative visit with the nutritionist within 4 weeks of surgery
  • Monthly support group meetings

(Disclaimer: If paying for the procedure with CareCredit, Credit Card, or by United Medical Credit, there will be an administrative fee added to the total price of the procedure.)

Very effective for weight loss

With the average patient losing 40 to 60% of their excess body weight within two years, there’s no doubt this procedure is effective. It can absolutely help you restore and maintain your health for years to come when combined with a continued healthy diet and exercise.

Finding the weight loss surgery option that’s right for you takes careful consideration, and more importantly, the opinion of a professional surgeon who understands your goals and lifestyle. By working with our experienced surgeon at Birmingham Minimally Invasive, we will determine if the LAP-BAND is the right fit to be a part of your weight loss journey!

Let BMI Surgery help you improve your health with the LAP-BAND.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

In Their Own Words: Life After Weight Loss Surgery

life after weight loss surgery

life after weight loss surgery
We can tell you all day long that there are many benefits to weight loss surgery and that it will change your life. But we know that for a lot of people, it’s really hard to believe it. It’s hard to imagine yourself in a whole new body that can do so many things you may not have been able to do for years.

The successful outcomes happen all the time though, and it’s true that your life will be different and almost definitely better after weight loss surgery. 

Life After Weight Loss Surgery

We have several wonderful patients who have shared their stories with us, including what life is like after surgery. Here’s what they have to say!

Helping Others Along the Way: Marco

“After the surgery, I stuck to what Dr. Long and his staff told me to do, and the weight just started coming off. I lost the first 80 to 90 pounds really fast, and after that, I started seeking out other things to do health-wise. I started watching my carbs and sugars, and I just did a little bit every day; whether that was walking up and down the driveway, or parking my car a little further away from the entrance. Everything is just great; I’m living it, and loving it. I’m doing things I’ve never done in my life,” Marco says.

He adds that he and his wife do everything together now, such as kayaking, riding bikes, and even racing go karts. Marco says he no longer looks to food for comfort, something we know many of our patients struggle with. He looks at food and eating as something he does to survive.

“My lunch and dinners don’t change much because I just don’t look at food the same way anymore. My wife packs my lunch every day, and it consists of celery sticks with peanut butter, snow snap peas with my homemade ranch, and maybe some protein and cheese. I snack on that all day long, and I’m most definitely satisfied,” Marco says.

Not only did he reach his own personal goal, but Marco reached Dr. Long’s goal for him as well. Marco attributes his success to staying active and watching what he eats, but also the fact that he felt it was his duty to motivate others to do the same.

“I found that the more people I stepped out and helped, the more it helped me,” he says. “If I talked to somebody who needed or wanted to do this program or asked me what I did, I would share it with them. I’d stay with them until they lost the weight. I’d share my diet plan, I’d share everything with them. It helped me to help them, and it kind of kept me in check – I guess the whole practice what you preach kind of thing.”

Freedom From Many Health Conditions: Lisa

Lisa’s heaviest weight before meeting Dr. Long was 324 pounds. One year after surgery, she weighed 150, and then, a little while later, 134.

“Aside from the numbers, I now have increased energy and freedom from joint pain. I can run five miles in the mornings with no problem. I play baseball with my kids and fit into amusement park rides easily (like I never did before). I can run up flights of stairs skipping every other stair. There are so many things I can do now that I never even knew I was missing,” Lisa says.

Immediately after beginning to lose weight, she was able to live without her diabetes medication. She was no longer diabetic, and she also no longer had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.

“My biggest ‘non-scale victory’ has to do with the fun and playfulness in my marriage now. My husband wants to carry me all the time. He picks me up and raises me over his head,” she says “We are able to have a lot more fun together that we couldn’t have before due to my weight.”

Learning to Pace Her Active Lifestyle: Amber

“After surgery, I have never felt so confident. My family is proud of me, and I’m proud of myself. 

I am very active now, and I love it. I enjoy exercising, kayaking, hiking, and keeping up with my active kids!” says Amber. “I also love getting dressed up and going out now, whether it be dinner with my husband or going to the movies with my friends. I actually enjoy getting ready and feeling comfortable in my own skin.”

Amber has even had to learn to pace herself with exercise and new experiences. While she wanted to meet her goals quickly, she learned it’s a process.

What Will Your Weight Loss Story Be?

Weight loss is a process for everyone. Your experience won’t be exactly like the stories shared here, but it will be unique to you, your goals, and what you want your life to be like. It is a big commitment and a lot of work, but Marco, Lisa, and Amber (plus many other patients) would all tell you that it is absolutely worth it.

Let BMI Surgery help you on your journey to better health and a happier, more active life.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907.