Tag: weight loss

Weight Loss Surgery Vs. Diet Trends – Which is Better?

Adult with black shirt and jeans measuring their waist after having weight loss surgery

Adult with black shirt and jeans measuring their waist after having weight loss surgeryIn a world obsessed with quick fixes and instant gratification, it’s no surprise that many individuals struggling with weight management turn to miracle pills and impossible diets. The promise of shedding those unwanted pounds through the latest diet trends or diet pills can be enticing, but the reality is those options may not always work as expected

Today, we’ll delve into why diet and exercise might not be effective for everyone, explore some trending diets and diet pills, and discuss the merits of weight loss surgery with the experts at BMI as an alternative approach.

The Diet and Exercise Dilemma

Diet and exercise are often touted as the holy grail of weight loss, but they don’t always yield the desired results. Several factors contribute to diet and exercise not working for everyone:

One-Size-Fits-All Approach 

Not all bodies are the same. What works for one person might not work for another. The diet and exercise plans that become trendy are often designed as one-size-fits-all solutions, failing to consider individual variations in metabolism, genetics, and lifestyle.

Lack of Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Many diets encourage extreme calorie restrictions or the elimination of entire food groups. Such drastic changes can be challenging to maintain over the long term, leading to rebound weight gain once you return to your usual eating habits.

Plateauing and Adaptation 

Our bodies are incredibly adaptable. Over time, they can become resistant to the effects of diet and exercise, making it increasingly difficult to lose weight. This often leads to frustration and a sense that diet and exercise are not working.

Psychological Factors 

Weight loss is not solely a physical journey but also a psychological one. Stress, emotional eating, and other mental health factors can sabotage even the best diet and exercise efforts.

Trending Diets: Promises and Pitfalls

With each passing year, new diet trends emerge, promising revolutionary results. While some of these diets may help certain individuals shed pounds temporarily, they may not be sustainable or suitable for everyone. Let’s take a look at a few trending diets and why they may not work for all:

Keto Diet 

The ketogenic diet has gained immense popularity for its promise of rapid weight loss through carb restriction. However, not everyone can adapt to such a low-carb lifestyle, and the “keto flu” can deter many from sticking with it. Moreover, the long-term health effects of the keto diet remain a topic of debate.

Intermittent Fasting 

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. While some people find success with this approach, others may struggle with hunger, irritability, and overeating during non-fasting periods. It may not be a sustainable solution for everyone.

Paleo Diet

The paleo diet encourages eating foods that our ancestors supposedly consumed. While it promotes whole foods and eliminates processed ones, it can be challenging to follow and expensive. Not to mention, it doesn’t consider modern dietary needs and preferences.

Vegan Diet

Veganism has gained popularity not only for ethical reasons but also as a potential weight loss strategy. However, adopting a vegan diet requires careful planning to ensure you get all the essential nutrients. Some may struggle to maintain proper nutrition, leading to health issues.

Diet Pills: A Quick Fix with Caveats

In the quest for a magic weight loss solution, many people turn to diet pills. These pills often promise to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, or block fat absorption. While some individuals may experience short-term benefits, there are significant downsides to consider.

Safety Concerns

 The safety of many diet pills is questionable, with potential side effects ranging from mild to severe. Some have even been banned due to adverse health outcomes.

Short-Term Results

Diet pills often deliver short-term results. Once you stop taking them, the weight can return, sometimes even more rapidly.

Lack of Sustainable Habits

Relying on diet pills may deter individuals from adopting healthier lifestyle habits. Weight loss achieved through pills alone is unlikely to be maintained without other significant lifestyle changes. 

Weight Loss Surgery vs. Diet and Exercise

Weight loss surgery can be a viable option for those who have struggled with diet and exercise. It’s essential to understand that weight loss surgery is not a quick fix but a tool that, when used correctly, can lead to significant and lasting results. Here’s how it compares to traditional diet and exercise:


Weight loss surgery is often more effective than diet and exercise alone, especially for individuals with severe obesity. Procedures like gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy can lead to substantial weight loss and improve obesity-related health conditions.

Sustainable Results

Weight loss surgery helps reset the body’s metabolism and appetite regulation, making it easier for individuals to maintain a healthy weight over the long term.

Comprehensive Approach

Surgery is typically accompanied by comprehensive pre and post-operative care, including dietary and lifestyle counseling. This support helps patients develop healthier habits for sustained success.

Individualized Treatment 

Weight loss surgery is tailored to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring a more personalized approach than one-size-fits-all diets.

Making The Right Choice For Your Health 

While diet and exercise are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle, they may not be the right solution for everyone and may not always yield the desired results. Trending diets and diet pills can be tempting, but their effectiveness varies from person to person, and they often lack long-term sustainability.

Weight loss surgery, on the other hand, provides a viable alternative for individuals struggling with obesity, offering effective and lasting results when combined with proper lifestyle changes. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional at BMI to determine the most suitable approach for your weight loss journey, considering your unique needs and circumstances.

Proudly serving Birmingham, AL, and surrounding areas, Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is your ultimate destination for weight loss surgery. Our surgeon, Dr. Long, M.D., FACS, has transformed thousands of lives through safe and effective procedures. If you want to learn more about our weight loss surgery options, contact us at (205) 858-1211 or online!

Healthy Eating Habits for Your Weight Loss Journey

A woman’s hands holding a lunchbox with nuts, berries, and an apple on an isolated dark wooden table

A woman’s hands holding a lunchbox with nuts, berries, and an apple on an isolated dark wooden table

Losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way is essential to gain lasting results for your physique. But knowing how to achieve a healthy weight and maintain it can be challenging. Weight loss surgery is highly effective, but to sustain the results, combining your procedure with healthy eating is essential.

In this blog, the experts at BMI Surgery examine some healthy foods that can help you achieve more significant results from your weight loss journey and increase your chances of success.

Our Top 3 Lifestyle Changes after Surgery

To see the results you hope for, we recommend combining the following three lifestyle changes with your surgery:

  1. Make healthy snack choices
  2. Eat fat-burning foods that boost your metabolism
  3. Control portion sizes

Make Healthy Snack Choices

Snacking is the downfall of many diets. Research shows that making healthy snack choices can help you to keep hunger at bay, ensuring that you feel fuller for longer while making it easier to manage your weight. Choosing healthy snacks will guarantee what you eat between meals and supports your weight loss efforts rather than sabotaging your good intentions.

The following options contain a combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, making them excellent choices:

  • Carrot sticks with hummus
  • Mixed nuts (walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds)
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Wholegrain crackers with avocado
  • Cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

Choose Fat-Burning Foods

Choosing foods that help you burn fat and speed up your metabolism is a great way to maximize your weight loss efforts. Here are some of the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting food heroes to include in your weight loss diet:

  • Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is known to have fat-burning properties.
    Green tea: Green tea may not be a food, but the beverage’s reputed thermogenic properties can help you burn more calories.
  • Eggs: Eggs are a high-protein food, and eating them can trigger a thermic effect that boosts your metabolism.
  • Chicken: Chicken is a form of lean protein and helps to increase your muscle mass, which burns more calories.

Control Portion Sizes

Controlling your portion sizes is an easy way to avoid overeating and maintain your weight loss. We recommend using your plate as a guide when making meals at home or eating out.

To do this, think about your plate in sections.

  • Vegetables, greens, or salad: half a plate
  • Protein: a quarter of a plate (meat, eggs, dairy, tofu, etc.)
  • Complex Carbohydrate: a quarter of a plate (whole grains, starchy vegetables, etc.)
  • Fatty food: half a tablespoon (cheese, oils, butter, etc.)

As you use your plate as a rough guide, note that there is no “one size fits all” method for weight loss, and some people may require more or less food. But, this method is a great start! By being aware of your portions, it can be much easier to lose and maintain weight loss in a healthy, effective way.

Achieving Long-Lasting Weight Loss Results

Figures from the CDC show that almost half the U.S. population (49.1%) is trying to lose weight. So, if you hope to make some lifestyle changes and lose a few pounds, you are certainly not alone.

Losing weight and maintaining weight loss long-term is not always easy. For this reason, many people choose weight loss surgery to assist them. However, maintaining weight loss requires a change in lifestyle alongside bariatric surgery. Committing to making this combination of changes, alongside weight loss surgery will set you off toward success on your weight loss journey and deliver the results you have been hoping to achieve.

Find Support for Your New Habits

Find support for your new habits! With years of experience, our qualified team of experts can create customized plans after your weight loss surgery, so you can stay on track. Find quality support, advice, and encouragement as you embark on your weight loss journey from BMI Surgery!

Transform Your Body at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery

Maintain your weight loss with healthy eating habits! Our team at BMI Surgery can help you with post-operative care and offer expert advice to help you maintain your results! Call us at (205) 850-1973 or contact us online to transform your body today!

What is Dumping Syndrome? Signs, Symptoms, & Prevention

A woman holding her stomach in pain wearing an off-white blouse and blue jeans sitting on the couch.

A woman holding her stomach in pain wearing an off-white blouse and blue jeans sitting on the couch.

Are you experiencing pain, bloating, fatigue, or nausea after eating? If you have recently undergone gastric surgery, you could be encountering dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome is a condition that can develop after gastric bypass surgery and occurs when food moves too quickly from the stomach to the intestines.

Don’t let your health dictate your social plans, energy levels, and your personal comfort. Find the relief you deserve by learning more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for dumping syndrome from the experts at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

What Is Dumping Syndrome?

When a person experiences it, food gets “dumped” into the small intestine without being digested, causing bloating, swelling, abdominal pain, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Usually, these symptoms can also be experienced in other areas of the body, including the feeling of light-headedness or tiredness after a meal. People with dumping syndrome can experience the symptoms anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours after eating.

Symptoms of Dumping Syndrome

This can be categorized into two types: early and late. Early syndrome happens 10 to 30 minutes after a meal, whereas late syndrome happens 1 to 3 hours after eating. Some common symptoms of dumping syndrome include:

  • Bloating
  • Swelling
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Facial flushing
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • An uncomfortable feeling of fullness (even after small portions)


To understand the causes of dumping syndrome, we need to understand how our digestive system works.

Your digestive tract will make and then release hormones that control how your digestive system functions. When food moves too quickly from the stomach to the intestines, your digestive tract will end up releasing more hormones than it should. Your body reacts by shifting fluid from your bloodstream into your small intestine. This shift of fluid, plus other substances released by your intestines in reaction to undigested food, causes the symptoms of dumping syndrome.

Home Remedies

So what can you do at home if you want to try and treat this condition? The first thing that you need to do is try and change what and how you eat. Some diet changes include:

  • Avoid liquids until at least 30 minutes after a meal
  • Lie down for 30 minutes after a meal to alleviate symptoms
  • Avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates
  • Increase your protein and fiber intake
  • Avoid dairy products
  • Avoid alcohol

It may be beneficial to eat 6 small meals per day, instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. Your doctor will recommend what specific foods you should avoid and any other steps you need to take to avoid dumping syndrome symptoms.

Post-Op Best Practices

If you have had an operation and want to try and limit your symptoms, do not attempt to just “power through” dumping syndrome symptoms. Instead, rest whenever you feel tired. Ample rest will allow your body to regulate its processes.

If you are able, daily walks may help alleviate feelings of bloating and puffiness. We also recommend you do not lift anything at all that may cause you to strain, such as a vacuum cleaner, child, bags of dog food, or a heavy briefcase.

Find Relief from Dumping Syndrome

You deserve to enjoy dinner with friends or breakfast with your family without having to worry about possible side effects. If you notice any symptoms of dumping syndrome, it’s important to contact a doctor. A medical professional will be able to analyze your unique symptoms and advise treatments to give you relief. Don’t let your health dictate your social plans, energy levels, and your personal comfort!

Treatment at BMI Surgery

If you are struggling with dumping syndrome, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Long and his team today. Proudly serving the Birmingham area, we specialize in all types of bariatric surgery and can help you with post-op recovery. Call us today at 205-850-1973 or contact us online to set up a consultation.

We look forward to helping you take back control of your health!

How To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle With a Busy Schedule

Healthy dinner from lunch box at office working table

Healthy dinner from lunch box at office working table If you feel like your life revolves around all of the things that you have to do, you may believe you don’t have the energy or the time to focus on yourself. You’re not alone in this struggle, since many people across the nation feel that a busy schedule keeps them from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, it is possible for you to eat well and exercise without compromising your activities and routine.

Eating healthily when you are always on the go, taking the kids to soccer practice, and working full time can be difficult, but with a little bit of planning a preparation, these tips from the experts at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery can make it easy for you to make healthy choices while on the go.

Keep Healthy Snacks Available

If you’re running from meeting to meeting or dropping your kids off at different activities throughout the day, it can be hard to squeeze in a meal. It’s understandable that many people feel as though they’re always picking up fast food when on the go—after all, it’s called fast food for a reason, right? But frequent fast-food stops can quickly upend your healthy eating habits. If you want to avoid this easy temptation, keep a steady supply of healthy snacks in your car so you can keep yourself on track throughout the day.

Prepare Healthy Meals Ahead of Time

We recommend preparing meals ahead of time that are both healthy and something you enjoy. Often, at the end of the day, we feel too tired to cook, and these prepared meals can help you make a healthy choice. Many meals can be stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Or, there are many meal services, like Hello Fresh, that will deliver healthy food right to your door.

Stay Active Throughout the Day

By staying active during the day, you can take advantage of little moments that can make a big difference in your health. For example, walking your children to school can allow you to spend time with them while also getting in your exercise for the day. Or, if you work in an office for most of the day, take advantage of your lunch break and walk around the block a few times. We’ve listed a few ideas, but there is no wrong way to get active.

  • Walk your kids to school
  • Walk laps during your child’s sports practice
  • Walk during your lunch break
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Park far away from work
  • Exercise during TV commercials

Being active and making healthy diet choices can improve your brain health, help manage weight, and strengthen bone and muscle. With some intentional planning and preparation, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle during even the most hectic of days.

Lose Weight with a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may be easier than you think! Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest difference. Planning and preparation can set you up for success when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we want you to feel your best while maintaining healthy habits!

Weight Loss Surgery with BMI Surgery

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-858-1211.

Top 3 Resources for Weight Loss Surgery Support and Advice

BMIS weight loss advice
By: Caitlin Hastings, Physician Assistant

Whether they’re post-op or just starting to consider weight loss surgery, everybody has so many questions when they come into our office. There are all kinds of stuff out there on the internet that can be misleading, or worse, flat-out untrue. While every surgeon does things differently, from the kind of pre-op diet they put their patients on to their post-surgery recommendations, even “accurate” information, may not be what our doctor, Dr. Long, recommends.

In order to make sure our patients and potential patients get accurate information and thorough answers to their questions, we don’t suggest you seek out advice just anywhere. Along with our patient folder full of all the information you could possibly need and attending our required pre-op prep nutrition/prep class if you want resources you can truly count on, here are our top 3 recommendations below.  

#1 Dr. Long

The absolute best way for patients and potential patients to get accurate information is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Long, as he really is the best resource. He can answer all of your questions and explain how we do things here at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery. He does a great job spending ample time with each patient, taking anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour just talking about what to expect.

Along with using Dr. Long as the main resource, our front office staff is highly trained to answer any questions regarding bariatric surgery. While they’re happy to answer common questions, they may also encourage you to come in for a consultation with Dr. Long if they think that would be best.

#2 Our Website and Blog

We put as much information as possible on our website and blog, so you can often find answers to your questions here. Whether you’re just starting to consider weight loss surgery, or if you’re days away from having surgery, this is a great online resource. From preparing for surgery to details on gastric bypass or any other procedure that we offer, you can trust that this information is both accurate and timely.

#3 Our Facebook Group

Once you’ve decided that you’re going to have the surgery, you can request to join our Bariatric Facebook Group called Saints for Wellness. While there are many weight loss support groups out there, this one is near and dear to us because it’s run by bariatric surgery patients. It’s a large group with nearly 3,000 members made up of our patients and patients of another local bariatric surgery group. While many join once their surgery is scheduled to ask questions, it’s full of patients that have “been there, done that”, making it great for those that are both pre and post-op.
While your first instinct may be to search the internet for the answers to your weight loss surgery questions, you can’t always know if the information you’ve found is correct, and if it is, if it’s what Dr. Long recommends. That’s why we always tell our patients and potential patients to just ask us, consult our website or blog, and/or join our Facebook Group. This way, we can ensure that you have the trustworthy resources you need to help guide you through your weight loss journey.

Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery is a caring group of professionals who specialize in all types of bariatric surgery.  Our surgeon Dr. Jay Long has highly specialized training in bariatric surgery, having completed a fellowship in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, where he focused on taking care of patients that are morbidly obese.  And we are so proud of our pricing that we publish the costs right on the front page of our website!  Insurance won’t pay?  We have a variety of financing options we can offer you so that you are able to get the healthy body you’ve wanted for years.  Visit us today at http://www.bmisurgery.com/ or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907.