Author: bell

Can You Get Pregnant After Weight Loss Surgery?

A pregnant woman and her husband cuddle on a couch. Weight loss surgery can affect fertility positively.

A pregnant woman and her husband cuddle on a couch. Weight loss surgery can affect fertility positively.Starting a family is a common goal that many people share. But if you’ve struggled with obesity and are hoping to achieve that goal, there are many misconceptions out there about your options. Many women aren’t sure whether weight loss surgery will interfere with starting a family. The truth is, though, that weight loss surgery not only improves your health but it can also improve your ability to get pregnant.

Our team here at BMI Surgery has seen many healthy families start after a weight loss journey. So, if you are planning to try for a baby or want to ensure the option is open to you in the future, here are some things you can consider as you weigh your options.

Does Weight Loss Surgery Affect Fertility?

Weight loss does not negatively affect fertility—and many women become pregnant after having bariatric surgery. In fact, many women choose gastric sleeve or gastric bypass because of the positive effect it has on fertility.

The weight loss procedure can make your ovulation more regular by stabilizing hormone levels, which often increases your chances of getting pregnant in a safe way. If you choose in vitro fertilization for pregnancy, weight loss typically increases your chances of success.

Choosing this option to help you reach your weight loss goals can also help to make your pregnancy healthier, potentially reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, blood pressure disorders, and postpartum hemorrhage.

How Long Should You Wait After Surgery?

It’s important not to get pregnant too quickly after surgery. Our doctors generally recommend that you should wait for at least 18 months after weight loss surgery before conception to ensure full healing. However, each patient’s case is unique, so talk to your doctor about when the time is right for you.

It’s important to wait until your weight has stabilized, both for your health and the health of your future child. By waiting to conceive, you can reduce the risk of fetal malnourishment and premature birth. You should always discuss your plans with your doctor so that they can help you manage your weight, family planning, and pregnancy.

Safety Steps to Take

There are a few additional things that your doctor might recommend you do before and during pregnancy. After bariatric surgery, there can also be a higher risk of low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction for your baby, so it’s essential to test for nutritional deficiencies after your surgery to lower the risk of problems. Your doctor may also recommend specific supplements to support you and your baby during pregnancy, as well as frequent appointments to check your nutrition for any deficiencies.

If you follow your doctor’s advice about your nutritional choices, you, like many women, may have a natural delivery with no complications. Women that have had these procedures can also breastfeed and care for their babies as normal.

Quality Family Planning After Weight Loss

At BMI Surgery, we have many minimally invasive surgery options, like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, that are uniquely suited to fit each individual’s weight loss goals and lifestyle situation. Our team will provide a thorough evaluation during your appointment and recommend an option that is best for you.

If you decide to try for a baby after weight loss surgery, you can consult with your bariatric surgeon, as well as other medical professionals, such as a dietician. Our qualified team of experts is always here to provide resources and advice about pregnancy after weight loss surgery to help you decide what’s right for you.

Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery in Birmingham, AL

Discover your weight loss surgery options at BMI Surgery. With many years of experience, our team provides personalized and quality care to help you meet your goals. Call us at 205-850-1972 or contact us online to find out more about how to get started on your weight loss journey and improve your quality of life!

Weight Loss Surgery Questions to Ask From Dr. Long

Weight Loss Surgery Questions | BMI Surgery | Birmingham, AL

Weight Loss Surgery Questions | BMI Surgery | Birmingham, AL

Weight loss surgery is a big decision that will have a considerable impact on your health. If you are considering bariatric surgery, it’s crucial to learn as much about the topic as you can. At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we get a lot of questions relating to weight loss surgeries, and our qualified team of experts wants to give you peace of mind as you begin your weight loss journey!

We’re always here to answer your questions, and we encourage you to talk to Dr. Long about any concerns you have. Here are some of the most important questions we encourage you to discuss with us.

Does Weight Loss Surgery Actually Work?

The short answer is yes, it does! All bariatric procedures are scientifically designed and proven to help you lose weight. You can start seeing changes in your weight as soon as a few weeks after the procedure, depending on which surgery you’ve had. At BMI Surgery, our team will be with you before, during, and after, to help with recovery and ensure your weight loss goals are met.

Of course, it’s important to know that you will have to make some lifestyle changes to encourage and maintain your results. Dr. Long will talk to you about the specific choices you’ll need to consider pre- and post-surgery to make sure you can make the most of your decision and your health!

What Types Of Bariatric Surgery Can I Choose From?

At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we have many options for weight loss surgery, including:

Each one works in a different way to help you lose weight. While they differ in how they are performed, all weight loss surgery focuses on the stomach and digestive system. Since they are surgically different, each bariatric surgery option will have different recovery times and treatment plans after the surgery is complete.

It’s important to be honest about your goals, lifestyle, preferences, and medical history so that Dr. Long can recommend the best options for your situation. We want to make sure you understand all your options fully before you make a decision.

Is All Weight Loss Surgery Invasive?

All of the traditional methods for weight loss surgery are invasive and will require a degree of recovery time after the procedure. However, Dr. Long strives to be as minimally invasive as possible and is fellowship-trained in Minimally Invasive & Bariatric Surgery Certified by the American Board of Surgery.

That said, modern technology has given us non-invasive weight loss procedures as well—such as CoolSculpting. This option utilizes special technology to freeze fat cells and remove them from the body. While CoolSculpting is not considered bariatric surgery, it can be a great alternative to liposuction for those who aren’t interested in a surgical route.

How Long Does Recovery Take After Weight Loss Surgery?

Recovery time largely depends on the individual and the type of surgery you’ve undergone. Typically, it takes around a week for patients to return to work and light activities following surgery. Still, full recovery isn’t expected until up to eight weeks.

Make sure you understand your individual recovery plan so that you can plan accordingly. Preparation may involve taking time of work, arranging for someone to be with you to assist in your recovery, and stocking up on essential items for your home and health.

Is Weight Loss Surgery An Alternative To Exercise & Healthy Eating?

No, definitely not. You should never consider bariatric surgery as a shortcut to achieving your weight loss goals. It is a significant step that can help you lose more weight, but it isn’t a replacement for eating healthily and exercising regularly. When you have recovered from the surgery, it is vital that you maintain a regular exercise routine to prevent lean muscle loss and to keep your body in a healthy state. Exercise can correspondingly work alongside the surgery to speed up the weight loss process.

Am I A Candidate For Surgery?

A multitude of different people can be candidates for bariatric surgery. Generally, if you have struggled to lose a large amount of weight in the past, this can be a good first step to help you jumpstart the process. Likewise, it is extremely useful in very heavy patients with extreme health risks. Weight loss surgery is sometimes necessary to help patients drop some extra pounds to be at a safer weight for exercising.

During your consultation, Dr. Long will take a comprehensive look at your health, goals, and medical history. If you have any concerns about a procedure, or are seeking non-surgical alternatives, don’t be shy! You should always ask any questions you may have.

More Questions? Schedule a Consultation!

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to choosing the right weight loss procedure for you. While we strive to provide as much information as possible, we understand that you’re sure to have more curiosities, concerns, and avenues to explore. Please don’t hesitate to bring a list of questions to your appointment or get in touch with us any time to discuss an issue.

Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery in Birmingham, AL

Located in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. Long and the team at BMI Surgery provide answers to all your questions! We specialize in all types of bariatric surgery and will be with you every step of the way. Call us today at 205-850-1973 or contact us online to get started on your weight loss journey.


How Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass Are Different?

how gastric bypass & gastric sleeve are different

how gastric bypass & gastric sleeve are different

Weight loss surgery is often necessary for patients that have extreme difficulty losing weight or for those who seek permanent weight loss. Often, if you are significantly overweight, it can actually be a health risk to begin a rigorous exercise routine or too-strict diet plan. In these cases, we may recommend a surgical procedure like the gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. These options can lower your risks and get you on a path to improved health and wellness.

Amongst the many bariatric surgery options available, gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries are the most well-known and common. Both of these procedures are meant to be permanent and require a full-time commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But what’s the difference?

Learn about each option and which is best for your weight loss goals!

What is a Gastric Sleeve?

Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is designed to limit the amount of food that patients can eat—and desire to eat. The surgery will reduce the stomach size to between two-thirds and 80% of its original size.

A smaller stomach means people physically eat less food before feeling full, reducing their caloric intake and helping them lose weight. Moreover, gastric sleeve surgery also removes part of the stomach responsible for producing the hunger hormone ghrelin. That means patients are less likely to feel the urge to eat after this surgery, which is why it is so popular.

The procedure only takes 30-35 minutes, and recovery is typically quick. Gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically, meaning that it doesn’t require any large abdominal incisions. Because this surgery is minimally invasive, it involves less pain and less hospital time.

What is a Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgery creates a small pouch that bypasses most of your stomach and some of the small intestine. Food will then go through this pouch and to the intestines, cutting out a large section of the stomach. Additionally, a part of your small intestine that absorbs calories is removed. Without this portion of your intestine, you absorb fewer calories from meals, helping you lose weight.

A gastric bypass is more complex than a sleeve. In a sleeve gastrectomy, your surgeon must only complete one step: removing part of your stomach. In a gastric bypass, the surgeon will remove part of the intestine, create a stomach pouch, and then re-attach the rest of the stomach closer to the intestines. Consequently, the surgery has a longer recovery period.

Which Option is Best for Me?

Gastric bypass is the more complicated surgery but also the one that tends to deliver the most dramatic results. It is also the preferred choice for those who suffer from severe diabetes. Because a gastric sleeve isn’t an option for those with severe reflux disease, a bypass may give them an avenue for significant weight loss.

That said, the gastric sleeve is simpler and comes with fewer risks. It can be an incredible way to jumpstart your journey to overcoming obesity without affecting the sphincter muscles that allow food to enter and exit your stomach. Most patients see 50-70% of excess weight lost over the first 1-2 years and find it easier to perform daily activities, helping them maintain their results.

Discuss Your Options with the Professionals

There are lots of bariatric surgery options, and gastric sleeve and gastric bypass are the most common because of their great results! However, it’s important to consult a surgical expert before making a decision. The best surgery will depend on things such as your current weight, lifestyle, eating habits, and medical history. A certified doctor will be able to evaluate all of these things and help you decide which choice is right for you and your weight loss goals.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery And Lose Weight At BMI Surgery!

If you’d like to learn more about our minimally invasive gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries—or any other bariatric surgeries—please feel free to contact Dr. Long and his team today. Proudly serving the Birmingham area, we specialize in all types of bariatric surgery and can help you find the best solution for your weight loss goals. Call us today at 205-850-1973 to set up a consultation.

We look forward to helping you take back control of your health!


Healthy Vacation – Focus On Experiences Not Food

healthy vacation

healthy vacation
For many people, the focus of any vacation is food. They look forward to eating out at restaurants, sipping on fruity drinks, and snacking all day. Food becomes the activity instead of healthy fuel for active experiences and fun.

While we do think that food should be fun on vacation, it shouldn’t be the main focus, especially if you are trying to lose weight, preparing to have weight loss surgery, or if you’ve already had weight loss surgery. This change in mindset might mean planning a slightly different vacation than what you’re used to, but it’s possible to plan activities and experiences that will be enjoyable for everyone in your family, including you.

Tips for Having a Healthy Vacation This Summer

First, let’s talk about making sure your active vacation is appropriate for where you are in your weight loss journey. A more restful trip will be better if you’ve had weight loss surgery recently and are still recovering. Your body needs plenty of time to heal and adjust before you start making huge changes. 

But for those who are several months or years out from surgery, you may be ready for a much more active option. If you aren’t sure what you’re ready to handle yet, please let us know, and our surgeon Dr. Long will be happy to offer advice.

Here are a few questions to think about to help you focus on more than food so that you can enjoy your time away while also sticking to your healthy lifestyle. 

Where will you vacation? 

Before booking, consider where you will go carefully. A cruise might be restful, but the never-ending buffets are probably not the best dining option. There are plenty of other vacations that can offer peace and quiet, in addition to opportunities for exploring and trying lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Have you done your research? 

Preparing for your trip is key, especially when it comes to planning fun activities. When it comes to food, you will need to give it some thought, but doing this ahead of time will mean that you can focus on it less later.

Here are some things you may want to research:

  • Healthy dining options at your hotel or condo and in the area
  • Activities at your resort or hotel and in the area
  • Activities that may require reservations
  • Age restrictions on any activities you are considering
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables you may find locally
  • Easy meals and snacks you may be able to take with you when out exploring or participating in activities
  • Grocery stores or markets that are close by

What’s your plan?

While some people are very opposed to planning out a vacation, for those who are committed to their diet and exercise routine, a plan will be essential. Take all of your research and think about what you want out of your days. If you plan to be out and about, know ahead of time if you will take a picnic or stop by a restaurant. If you have a particularly active day, you may want to focus more on breakfast so that everyone has plenty of energy.

Also, plan ahead to make sure you have plenty of water and healthy snacks for spending time at the beach or pool and while doing other activities, such as hiking. Do you have a reusable water bottle, and do you have a backpack or bag where you can keep everything? These are the details to think about. 

Can you take healthy staples with you?

This will depend on your exact travel details, but in many cases, you can take non-perishable items with you. Staples like raw nuts or tuna packets will probably work for any trip, and if you can take a cooler along, fresh fruits, vegetables, and other options may work as well. 

How can you make sure you drink enough water?

Drinking enough water every day is always very important, but it becomes even more crucial after weight loss surgery. You will feel better and find it easier to stick to your healthy habits if you drink enough water each day on vacation and while traveling. Remember that we often recommend that our patients do not drink while eating meals, so factor that into your plan.

What level of activity do you want on your trip?

If you are far enough along in your recovery, you can focus your trip on all kinds of activities. This might simply mean exploring your vacation destination on foot as much as possible and swimming at the resort’s pool. It might also mean hiking, zip-lining, biking, snorkeling, and much more. Take advantage of the fact that you can do all of these things now!

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

Remember that being able to go on vacation is part of what weight loss surgery is all about! At Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we want to help you get to a place where you can be more active and enjoy life to the fullest. This is our hope for all of our patients, and we want you to enjoy your trip without stress or anxiety, especially when it comes to food.

Planning and research will go a long way, and you’ll be thankful you took that time beforehand when you’re faced with decisions on your trip. If you need any help in your preparations or have any questions about what will be appropriate for you, please let us know!

Learn more about weight loss options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

How Weight Loss Can Improve Osteoarthritis

weight loss osteoarthritis

weight loss osteoarthritis
We know that losing weight can improve quality of life, overall health, and several major
health conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes. Osteoarthritis is another condition that can be greatly improved through weight loss. 

When you have arthritis, it can be tricky to lose weight and keep it off. The condition can make it very difficult to exercise, and this can make losing weight hard. Weight loss surgery, such as gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, can be great options for those who are in this situation. 

What is Osteoarthritis & How Is It Related to Obesity?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. Osteoarthritis can damage any joint, but the disorder most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips, and spine.

Common symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, swelling, and stiffness that impairs mobility and affects the quality of life for many people. Most people who have arthritis manage the condition primarily with medications, most commonly with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While these can help reduce inflammation in the short-term, long-term use is associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and kidney disease. Moderate to severe cases of arthritis can be managed with surgery such as a joint replacement.

The exact correlation between obesity and osteoarthritis is still unclear, but we know that being overweight increases the load on major joints like knees and hips. This increases the rate of normal wear and tear of cartilages at joints. Obesity alone can cause three to six times one’s body weight to press down on the knees while walking.  

Research suggests that as body mass index (BMI) increases, the chance of developing osteoarthritis also increases. Weight loss is among the initial non-pharmacological recommendations for arthritic conditions, especially knee osteoarthritis.

Clearly, losing weight can improve osteoarthritis, with or without weight loss surgery. Surgery can be the jumpstart many people need to lose a significant amount of weight initially, then they are able to be much more active which helps the weight stay off for good. If you have osteoarthritis and are looking for options to help you with weight loss, make an appointment with us today!

Learn more about weight loss options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907.  

Why Exercise Is Crucial After Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss surgery exercise

weight loss surgery exercise
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding weight loss surgery, and one of those is that if you have a bariatric procedure, your weight-related problems are solved. The surgery alone will allow you to lose weight and keep it off. No more worrying about eating healthy or working out. 

This idea is wrong on both counts, and in this article we will discuss why it’s important to exercise after weight loss surgery

Why Exercise Is Important After Weight Loss Surgery

We do want to recognize that having gastric sleeve surgery or another procedure at Birmingham Minimally Invasive is a huge step! But it’s your first step in your journey of weight loss and becoming healthier. The work does not stop once your procedure is complete.

Regular exercise will help you recover faster, reach your weight loss goals, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can help you lose more weight and keep it off after surgery. According to several studies by the National Institutes of Health, those who exercised after weight loss surgery saw their body mass index (BMI) decrease 4.2% more than those who did not.

It’s also important that you lose weight the right way. When you lose weight, your body will naturally eliminate both fat and muscle. Exercise will help you preserve the lean muscle that we want to help you stay healthy.

Here are some additional benefits of exercise after weight loss surgery:

  • Maintain weight loss
  • Improve circulation
  • Strengthen your heart and bones
  • Increase your metabolic rate
  • Develop muscle strength and endurance
  • Improve immune system
  • Improve blood sugar control
  • Relieve stress
  • Improve your mood 
  • Make it easier to complete everyday tasks and activities

Exercise can also help you have more energy and feel better, which is especially important after undergoing such a life-changing event. Exercise produces endorphins that help you combat anxiety and depression. The time after surgery can be tough for many patients for a lot of different reasons, and exercise can help you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Tips for Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

BMI Surgery will provide you with guidelines regarding exercise after your surgery. You will be somewhat restricted initially, then you will gradually be able to build up your activity level.

After surgery, there are three key areas you should focus on when it comes to exercise:

  1. Cardio – Regular cardio aerobic exercise will burn calories and give you more energy. Getting your blood pumping through cardio can boost your metabolism, help you work through anxiety, and help you sleep better. 
  2. Strength training – Strength training will help you maintain lean muscle mass, which will also help maintain your body’s calorie burning engine. It will help keep your bones strong as well. Strength training is great for toning and building muscle so that you can be more active.
  3. Flexibility – Flexibility training is important to help you avoid injuring yourself. If you feel sore or tight after your workout, flexibility training can help. It can also help you avoid straining yourself when you’re running or lifting weights.

While there are many benefits of exercise after weight loss surgery, we know that it can be challenging, especially for those who have been very inactive prior to their procedure. But you are not alone. Many others have been through this process and come to love exercise. We’ve found that patients who seek out support, follow an exercise routine, and stick to a healthy diet are far more likely to lose the weight and keep it off.

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

When Gastric Sleeve Surgery May Be the Best Option

gastric sleeve surgery

gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is one of our most popular weight loss surgery options at
Birmingham Minimally Invasive. It’s a cost-effective choice, low-risk, and the success rate is high. 

But since each of our patients is an individual with their own story and set of circumstances, it’s not always the right option for everyone. We work with each person to find that right option and develop a plan tailored to them specifically. Here’s more information about instances when gastric sleeve is a great option.

When Gastric Sleeve Might Be the Right Option

Gastric sleeve surgery is a laparoscopic bariatric procedure that reconfigures the stomach into a sleeve-like shape. We remove part of the stomach responsible for producing ghrelin, a hormone that tells your brain when you’re hungry. The surgery also restricts the size of the stomach, making it much harder to eat large portions. These two factors combined help you lose weight.

Some people want a very simple, straightforward procedure, and gastric sleeve fits that bill. Compared to other options, gastric sleeve is considered to be a more simple procedure. We do not reroute the intestines like we do during gastric bypass. Gastric sleeve surgery typically takes only about 30 to 45 minutes, and we perform the surgery laparoscopically. This means we avoid the need for large abdominal incisions, which typically results in less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery.

Since gastric sleeve is done laparoscopically, it’s a minimally invasive procedure. You benefit from minimally invasive surgery dramatically compared to traditional open surgery. Minimally invasive surgery offers less pain, reduced scarring, lower risk of infection, less blood loss, shorter hospital stays, quicker return to work, and less occurrence of postoperative incisional hernias. 

For those who are looking for a cost-effective surgery, gastric sleeve is also a great option. Our price at BMI Surgery is $8,999. This is the best price you will find in our area because our goal is to make losing weight attainable for you. Since gastric sleeve is considered one of the less invasive weight loss procedures, we can offer it at a lower price than some other options. It requires less time to perform the surgery and a shorter hospital stay in most cases, which also affects the cost. 

Also related to cost, patients can pay for gastric sleeve with or without insurance. If using insurance to cover the procedure, you must have a minimum BMI of 35 to 40, along with various other health issues, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, or heart disease. If your BMI is higher than 40, these other health issues are not required. Gastric sleeve is a good option for anyone meeting these requirements without insurance coverage as well. 

For those who are looking for a fairly restrictive procedure that will allow you to lose a significant amount of weight, gastric sleeve is also a great consideration. Because gastric sleeve surgery greatly reduces the size of your stomach, it limits the amount of food you can eat at one time. After eating a small amount of food, you will feel full very quickly and continue to feel full for several hours. Depending on your pre-operative weight, you can expect to lose between 40% to 70% of your excess body weight in the first year after gastric sleeve surgery.

Gastric sleeve can be life-saving for those with other major health problems since many obesity-related conditions improve or resolve after the procedure. Diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, and abnormal cholesterol levels are improved or cured in more than 75% of patients undergoing gastric sleeve.

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Why We Require a Nutrition/Prep Class Before Surgery

weight loss surgery prep

weight loss surgery prep
Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we want you to be successful with your weight loss. Learning about the process and preparing is absolutely key, which is why we require all weight loss surgery patients to take an online nutrition/prep class before your surgery. 

While you will learn much more in the class, in this article we will cover some of the basics about what to expect from the class.

Nutrition/Prep Class at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery

Our class is led by our bariatric coordinator and bariatric nutritionist. While already very knowledgeable in these areas, she brings a much more personable and relatable quality to the class because she had gastric bypass surgery herself. When she shares information, she’s coming from a very personal place of having gone through this process, including the emotions.

The class is required for both private pay patients and those paying with insurance. You will have a chance to ask questions and bring up concerns while learning about pre-op nutrition, post-op nutrition, and everything else you’ll need to know about the surgery, such as tips to help you prepare mentally. You will attend the nutrition/prep class one to three weeks prior to your surgery. 

We will talk to you about our recommendations for prepping your home life in order to make things easier on yourself after surgery. Along with having a friend or family member come stay with you, especially if you have children, we encourage you to have your pantry and refrigerator stocked full of easily-accessible foods and liquids that fit in with your diet plan. We will also talk more about the medications we prescribe after surgery and recommend that you have those filled prior to surgery.

In the class, we will also prepare you more for what to expect after surgery. Most insurance companies require a one-night stay in the hospital, but if you’re not paying with insurance, surgery will be performed in our outpatient surgery center, and you’ll typically go home the same day. We’ll talk a lot about what you’ll eat right after surgery and how that diet progresses over the coming weeks. The class also includes information about when it’s safe to start exercising again and how that process should progress.

There is a lot to learn in the nutrition/prep class, but it’s crucial to know it all in order to be successful. The patients that take their medications as prescribed and actually stick with the diet after surgery are the ones we’ve seen be the most successful. We’ve also found that patients who seek out support are more likely to lose the weight and keep it off. 

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

Dealing With Loose Skin After Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss surgery loose skin

weight loss surgery loose skin
When first consulting, preparing for, and during the early recovery phase after weight loss surgery, most people are focused mostly on doing everything they need to do in order to lose weight and become healthier. And that’s where your focus should be!

Sometimes, even with very successful weight loss, there can be unexpected things that come up that maybe you weren’t prepared for or hadn’t thought about. One such issue that can occur is excess or loose skin after significant weight loss. 

Since we want to be totally open and honest about all things related to weight loss surgery at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery, we will tackle this subject in this article. The possibility of excess or loose skin is nothing to fear!

What Causes Excess or Loose Skin After Weight Loss Surgery?

When you gain weight, your skin expands around the new mass that your body is adding. When you lose weight, your skin may not have enough elasticity to shrink back down. Therefore, excess, loose, or sagging skin can be a result of losing such a significant amount of weight after weight loss surgery, such as gastric sleeve. It does happen to some people, but not everyone.

For those who do have to deal with it, there are solutions and things to know that will hopefully relieve any fears you may have about excess skin after weight loss surgery.

When it comes to how much excess skin you will have, each person is different. The amount of loose skin present after weight loss surgery depends on several factors, such as your weight before surgery, age, smoking history, and genetics. 

To what extent excess skin bothers each person varies as well. It’s totally normal for it to be a big issue for some, while others aren’t bothered by it much at all. A common concern is that saggy skin increases the appearance of premature aging.

The problems that arise from excess skin are not always simply cosmetic though. Excess skin may cause chafing and rashes, especially when it rubs against other folds of skin or when it stays moist. With saggy skin, folds often rub against themselves, and these folds may be harder to keep clean. Over time, the top layer of skin (epidermis) can tear, creating irritation from chafing. This chafing can lead to infections.

Addressing Excess Skin After Weight Loss Surgery

If you’re worried about loose skin after weight loss surgery, whether for health reasons or because you’re concerned about how it may look, there are several ways to minimize sagging skin after surgery. Here are some strategies to think about:

  • Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water — This is crucial after weight loss surgery anyway. A balanced diet with plenty of protein and vitamins can help you keep the weight off and retain lean muscle. This diet may also help minimize loose or excess skin to some degree. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water, which will help keep your skin healthier and may improve elasticity. 
  • Exercise — Exercise can prevent loose skin after weight loss surgery. When you lose lean muscle mass, you may increase the looseness of your skin. When you build muscle, you actually fill out your skin more.
  • Treat your skin well — Your skin is an organ, and if you want to avoid loose skin after weight loss, taking care of it can help. This includes using sunscreen regularly when outdoors, using moisturizers, and drinking plenty of water to keep your whole body hydrated.

If the above strategies aren’t enough, cosmetic surgery is also an option. After losing 100 or 150 pounds, it is realistic to expect that you may still have some excess skin. Cosmetic surgery removes excess skin and fat from the body. A tummy tuck after weight loss surgery is one of the more common procedures. If you’re looking at this option, it’s important to work with a reputable plastic surgeon. The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons is a good place to start, and we will be happy to make a recommendation as well.

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907. 

What Our Patients Love About Weight Loss Surgery

BMI Surgery patients

BMI Surgery patients
There are many, many reasons to have weight loss surgery, and each patient comes into the experience with their own set of goals and motivations that continue to evolve over time. As people go through the process, it’s always interesting to see what parts stand out to them, what parts meant the most, and what they really loved – before, during, or after. 

Here are some thoughts from former patients that we’d like to share.

Patients Share What They Love About Weight Loss Surgery

Lisa – Finding Dr. Long

“I attended a seminar that Dr. Long hosted where he answered questions and shared realistic expectations. I instantly felt that he was the one who needed to do this surgery for me. He is knowledgeable about all aspects of the surgery, including how to prepare in the months before surgery and what to expect after. He is so professional, yet comforting.”

Amber – An Active Lifestyle

“I am very active now, and I love it. I enjoy exercising, kayaking, hiking, and keeping up with my active kids! I also love getting dressed up and going out now, whether it be dinner with my husband or going to the movies with my friends. I actually enjoy getting ready and feeling comfortable in my own skin.”

Patty – A Minimally Invasive Approach

“Doing the surgery laparoscopically made it possible for me to have minimal down time, so I could get back to my normal life. The recovery process after surgery was really good for me. I was only out of work for two weeks….I didn’t have to miss much work and I haven’t experienced any problems since the surgery.”

Elizabeth – Craving Healthy Foods & Internal Regulator

“Since the surgery, while I tend to crave a variety of things, I’d say I eat very healthy most days, and I even feel out of sync if I don’t have a small salad as part of a meal at least once a day. That’s not to say that I don’t still eat things that might be considered unhealthy, but I rarely want them since they typically make me feel bad afterwards. 

For instance, I found that if I have something that’s super processed or full of sugar, it makes me feel weird, like I can feel my system is in the wrong gear. Because of this, I definitely crave unhealthy stuff a whole lot less than I did before, and for someone who was able to always pack it in, it’s nice to have an internal governor that makes me want to stop after only a bite or two.”

June – A Doctor Who Is Always Honest

“When I went to see Dr. Long for the first time, I immediately told him I wanted to do gastric band, which I believed was the least invasive of all the weight loss surgeries. After he spent some time getting to learn more about me, my lifestyle and hobbies, he told me he just didn’t think I’d be happy with gastric band. He thought it would restrict me to the point where I wouldn’t be happy, and that it didn’t seem to suit my lifestyle. 

He went on to educate me about the difference between gastric band and gastric bypass. He also said, and I’ll never forget, that though everyone is different, with gastric bypass, at some point in time, I could eat whatever my family eats – I just wouldn’t be able to eat as much. I’m so glad I decided to do gastric bypass because Dr. Long was absolutely right. I have no regrets. None.”

Contact Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery to Get Started on Your Weight Loss Journey

We will always treat each patient as an individual. The right answer for one person is not always right for you, and Dr. Long has a gift for finding that correct path that will suit you best!

Learn more about weight loss options at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery.

The caring group of professionals at Birmingham Minimally Invasive Surgery will help you get started on your weight loss journey and stay with you every step along the way. Dr. Long and his team specialize in all types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, and the LAP-BAND. Visit us today at or give us a call to set up a consultation at 205-833-6907.